The Department of Social Science and Public Affairs

As a regionally accredited college of the State University of New York, Empire State College Department of Social Science and Public Affairs offers the following degrees in two registered areas: Social Science and Public Affairs. We also offer bachelor of science degrees in Criminal Justice and Security Studies.

Social Science degrees offered:

Public Affairs degrees offered:

Criminal Justice and Security Studies degree offered:

Through these degrees students will develop analytical and communication skills, increase their understanding of both foundational and advanced concepts and disciplinary methods to support their goals as they create a degree program to meet their specific needs together with a faculty mentor.

Nondegree Students

Taking individual courses as a nondegree student is also possible and will offer you the same range and depth of courses and rigorous standards as matriculated undergraduate students. Even if you’re not pursuing a degree, you can take courses to prepare for college-level study, stay current in your field or improve your job skills.