Tuition and Fees

In addition to SUNY tuition and fees, there is a residency fee that covers the cost of lodging and meals while at Camp Huntington, guests speakers, and workshops. The residency fee varies depending on the number of courses a student registers for and the length of stay at Camp Huntington.
Section A courses: $145 (onsite Mon. - Wed.)
Section B courses: $145 (onsite Wed. - Fri.)
Both Section A and Section B: $290 (onsite Mon - Fri.)
Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from the onsite meeting in Raquette Lake, N.Y. A personal car or rental car are the best options for transportation. Given the remote location, trains, buses, and public transportation are not available.
Financial aid may be used to cover the residency fee or students may apply for one of two residency fee scholarships.
Refunds for the residency fee will not be given after the collegewide add/drop deadline, Monday, Sept. 13.