25th Annual Adirondack Environmental Studies Residency

Please Note: For the Fall 2021 term, we will attempt to hold the onsite meeting at Camp Huntington. SUNY Empire State College follows all CDC and state guidance on measures for health and safety of all students, faculty, and staff. If the guidance received indicates that courses should not be offered in person, we will transition to a virtual meeting format. After registering, students will receive additional information regarding COVID procedures that will be followed at Camp Huntington. Registration will be limited to 28 participants, students will be given single rooms, and masking and social distancing will be required. Given the nature of the setting, vaccinations are strongly encouraged and it is likely that a negative COVID test will be required before arrival to camp, but we will more guidance as we get closer to the fall term.

During the Fall term, students choose from nine, environmentally related courses using a blended model that combines an online or independent study component with one onsite meeting in the beautiful Adirondacks.

While at camp, students will attend plenary sessions and group activities, hear from guest speakers and meet with their selected course(s).

This unique setting and experience will provide students with a broader perspective of issues related to the environment and offer hands-on activities to enhance the learning experience.
The photos on this page are contributed by digital photography students.
Fast Facts
Environmentally related courses that combine online learning with one onsite meeting in the AdirondacksWhere
Camp Huntington, Raquette Lake
Fall term 2021
Sept. 7 - Dec. 17
Onsite meeting dates:
Section A, Mon. - Wed. Oct. 11 - 13
Section B, Wed. - Fri. Oct. 13 - 15
Who to Contact
Lori McCaffrey
Collegewide Residency Coordinator