Electronic Portfolio (ePortfolio) Policy

Electronic Portfolio (ePortfolio) Policy


Office of Academic Affairs







Effective Date:


Implementation History:

This is a new policy approved effective September 1, 2015



Background Information:

ePortfolios offer both an open learning environment and a gathering space for evidence of learning; they provide opportunities for creativity and integrative learning, as well as a tool for assessment at all levels.

ePortfolios utilize the latest technologies to enable students to:

  • Transcend boundaries of time, place and ways of learning
  • Connect their unique and diverse lives to their personal, academic and professional learning goals

Connect and aggregate different learning aspects of their lives, work, special interests, and other learning environments with their academic learning experiences.


The college will support ePortfolios to provide our students with a meaningful learning experience that allows students to collaborate, reflect, and interact with mentors and other students using the latest technology as they deepen their learning, creativity and inquiry. The College will also develop best practices for the use of ePortfolios to facilitate these meaningful learning experiences.



Empire State College will provide students, faculty and staff with appropriate academic learning technologies to support ePortfolios. The college will commit to training for and support of students, faculty and staff for the effective use of ePortfolios. The College will provide a supported ePortfolio system for those students, faculty, and staff who use ePortfolios. Other systems may be used, but may not be supported. Faculty will have opportunities to provide input on the design and use of ePortfolios. Use of these ePortfolios will abide by all other college policies, including those governing appropriate technology use and intellectual property rights.

Specific programs, such as Masters of Arts in Teaching or Nursing, may require students to use ePortfolios to document learning to meet program standards.

ePortfolios provide students with an environment within which to present, document and connect learning. Mentors and students are encouraged to use ePortfolios to deepen communication and support learning through multiple modalities.

Applicable Legislation and Regulations

Related References, Policies, Procedures, Forms and Appendices