Use of Accessory Instruction Money to Purchase Instructional Services from Organizations Policy

Use of Accessory Instruction Money to Purchase Instructional Services from Organizations Policy


Office of Academic Affairs


Vice Provost


Business and Procurement



Effective Date:


Implementation History:



Accessory instruction

Background Information:


To provide the parameters surrounding the use of accessory instruction


Accessory Instruction: additional educational services


Within the guidelines described below, accessory instruction funds can be used to pay organizations and institutions that provide educational services to Empire State College students.

  1. Subject to the approval of the vice president for academic affairs, deans and center directors will determine the eligibility of organizations for payment of accessory instruction according to two criteria:
    1. The organization must be generally recognized within the relevant academic or professional community as offering educational services comparable in level and quality to those offered by institutions eligible for cross-registration.
    2. The organization must be designed primarily for education and service to students rather than designed primarily for profit.
  2. Payment can be made only for instructional services provided to students under a learning contract that will specify the amount and kind of credit of college-level learning.
  3. Since Empire State College does not accredit educational organizations, an organization must accurately describe its relationship to the college.

Applicable Legislation and Regulations

The Education Law of the State of New York, Section 356

Related References, Policies, Procedures, Forms and Appendices