Graduate Subsequent Programs at the Same Credential Level Policy

Graduate Subsequent Programs at the Same Credential Level Policy


School for Graduate Studies


Director of Graduate Student and Academic Services


Graduate Studies



Effective Date:


Implementation History:

This is a new policy for the School for Graduate Studies


Graduate; Second; Secondary; subsequent; course-sharing; course sharing

Background Information:


Defines and details the number of graduate credits a graduate student must complete at Empire State College to earn a subsequent graduate-level degree or certificate at the same credential level.



Students who have completed a master's degree or an advanced certificate and are accepted into a subsequent graduate program at the same credential level (master's degree/master's degree or advanced certificate/advanced certificate) must follow the requirements below:

  • Students can only be active in one program at the same credential level at a time. The completion of a subsequent program at the same level must be done sequentially, not concurrently.
  • No more than 25% of the credits toward a subsequent master's degree may have been used to fulfill the requirements of the first master's program.
  • No more than 25% of the credits toward a subsequent advanced certificate program may have been used to fulfill the requirements of the first advanced certificate program.
  • Students cannot use credits older than 6 years in the subsequent program. The age of the credit is determined by the term and year in which it was earned.
  • Evaluated credit earned in the primary program may not be used in any subsequent programs.
  • Transfer credit used in the primary program may not be used in any subsequent programs.

Students may appeal any decision made about the use of credit in a subsequent graduate program in accordance with the Student Academic Appeals Policy and Procedure.

A graduate student may satisfy no more than a combined total of 50% of the credits toward a graduate certificate or degree program using transfer, cross registration, evaluated credit (e.g. prior learning assessment or direct assessment), and shared credits from a previously awarded graduate credential at the same level combined. See the Graduate Transfer, Cross-Registration, and Evaluated Credit Policy for specific rules on the use of transfer, cross-registration, and evaluated credit to meet graduate certificate and degree requirements.

Applicable Legislation and Regulations

NYSED's Memorandum to Chief Executive Officers of Post Secondary Institutions in New York State

SUNY Awarding of Two Degrees at the Same Level Policy

Related References, Policies, Procedures, Forms and Appendices

Graduate Transfer, Cross-Registration, & Evaluated Credit Policy

Student Academic Appeals Policy and Procedures