Your Mentor and You: A Cooperative Relationship
When you enroll at SUNY Empire, you’ll be assigned a faculty mentor. Think of your mentor as a personal academic coach—a trusted advisor who learns your goals, talents and abilities and works with you one-on-one to develop them, from day one to graduation and beyond.
At a traditional college, you might see your advisor once a term, right before course registration. At SUNY Empire, mentors take the educational journey with you, helping you develop your personalized degree program, ensuring that you stay on course, and making sure you get resources and opportunities that move you forward at every step.
A successful mentor/student relationship is a two-way street. Your mentor will provide support and expertise, and you’ll need to bring commitment, communication and honesty. The reward is invaluable.
Connect with your mentor during their online office hours or via phone or chat if you have a question, concern or feel the need to check in.
contributed to their decision to enroll.

“With the support and encouragement from relationships I’ve built at ESC, I truly feel unstoppable.”
- Kelly D.