March 20, 2013

SUNY Empire State College Key to Chancellor’s Vision for Open SUNY

(SARATOGA SPRINGS, N.Y. – March 20, 2013) – SUNY Empire State College’s expertise in evaluating learning acquired outside of traditional academic settings was highlighted by Chancellor Nancy L. Zimpher in an interview about the implementation of Open SUNY for The Chronicle of Higher Education’s Wired Campus Blog.

In the interview with The Chronicle, the chancellor pointed to the benefits of being able to tap the college’s existing experience and expertise in evaluating learning outside traditional settings and to use that expertise to benefit the entire 64-campus system.

For decades, the college has offered its students the opportunity to save money and speed their time to degree by awarding college credit for college-level learning and now SUNY seeks to scale up this benefit systemwide.

The chancellor’s interview with The Chronicle followed the announcement of the approval by the SUNY Board of Trustees of the implementation of Open SUNY on Tuesday, March 19.


Media contact: David Henahan, director of communications

518-587-2100, ext. 2918

518-321-7038 (after 5 p.m. and on weekends)

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