August 21, 2013

SUNY Empire State Students, Faculty and Staff to Attend Obama Speech

Obama(BUFFALO, N.Y. - Aug. 21, 2013) Five SUNY Empire State College students at the Niagara Frontier Center, one Center for Distance Learning student, one faculty member and three administrators will attend President Barack Obama’s speech in Buffalo tomorrow.

It is anticipated that the president will discuss the importance of ensuring that every American has the opportunity to achieve a quality education by reducing cost and improving the value of higher education for middle class students.

NFC Associate Dean Sonja Givens, NFC Residency Coordinator Colleen Reedy and NFC Recruitment/Outreach Coordinator Eric Bridges, Mentor Rhianna Rogers and five lucky students have received tickets to the 9 a.m., Thursday, Aug. 22 event in the Alumni Arena at the University at Buffalo North Campus.

The invitation to attend was extended by Obama’s host, UB, on behalf of UB President Satish Tripathi. There is no charge for the tickets.

He also will be visiting SUNY Binghamton on this bus tour. In addition, he will deliver remarks at Lackawana College in Scranton, Pa.

Since assuming office, Obama has visited Hudson Valley Community College and the SUNY College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering.

For more information about Obama's UB visit, go to


Media contact: David Henahan, director of communications

518-587-2100, ext. 2918

518-321-7038, cell

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