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April 19, 2018

Thomas Sendgraff Selected for Collegewide Student Affairs Service Award

Thomas Sendgraff received a 2018 Student Service Award at the college’s Student Wellness Retreat, April 5-7, in Albany, N.Y.

Sendgraff’s community service began when he joined a student-run radio station, WQKE, which engaged in services that benefited students and the local community. After becoming the club’s promotion director, he collaborated with the community service director to publicize community service events through social media, flyers, speaking at club meetings and hanging posters. Besides publicizing the events, Sendgraff would volunteer as well. A few of the initiatives he participated in were a Starvathon annual food drive, Hurricane Sandy relief, and weekly volunteering at the local soup kitchen.

“Through these events, I personally learned how rewarding it felt and how easy it was to volunteer,” he said.

Sendgraff is pursuing a combined Bachelor of Science and Master of Business Management degree. He works for the Department of Social Services Children’s Services Unit, a job that fulfills his desire to help in the community. He also has volunteered for blood drives that were sponsored by his employer.

Following graduation from SUNY Plattsburgh, he joined AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps/Federal Emergency Management Corps. He dedicated his time to national service because he had learned how fulfilling it was to benefit communities and to provide services to many nonprofits. After training, Sendgraff became a temporary media relations specialist/Corps member based in Seattle, Wash. He learned to contact the media and disseminate information in case of an emergency disaster. On the weekends, though, he volunteered for such groups as Habitat for Humanity and Light the Night for leukemia and lymphoma.

The experience that impacted him most was volunteering for Seattle ROOTS Young Adult Homeless Shelter, where he saw how clients appreciated those who spent their time there.

Sendrgraff said “I have grown both professionally and spiritually by helping others.”

Recipients of the Service Award must be a matriculated student at the college and must have a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA. They also must list up to three organizations with which they have significant service and involvement.

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