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November 5, 2018

Election Day Message from Officer in Charge Mitch Nesler

red, white and blue vote button
Election Day Message from Mitchell S. Nesler

Officer in Charge Mitchell S. Nesler shared the following Election Day messasge: "Good morning everybody. Today is Election Day and I encourage everyone to exercise your right to vote.

"In the state of New York, all polls open at 6 a.m. and close at 9 p.m. Find your polling place online.

"To learn more about candidates running for office, enter your address at the League of Women Voters Education Fund website.

"If you haven’t already done so, please set aside time today to go to the polls.  Democracy is not a spectator sport - the more of us that that participate, the better our democracy functions. And please encourage your students to do the same – all our voices should be heard today."

Mitch Nesler

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