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July 18, 2018
Thomas McElroy ‘96, Director of Prior Learning, is a 2018 Recipient of the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Professional Service

Alumnus and SUNY Empire State College Director of Prior Learning Thomas McElroy '96 is a 2018 recipient of the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Professional Service, which provides SUNY-wide recognition for consistently superior professional achievement and encourages the ongoing pursuit of excellence.
“It is a tremendous point of pride for the entire college community when our students, faculty and staff are recognized at this level for their leadership, professionalism and academic excellence,” said SUNY Empire Officer in Charge Mitchell Nesler. “It is an honor to offer my congratulations to all of this year’s recipients, whose accomplishments were celebrated by the college throughout commencement season.”
A Rochester, N.Y., resident, McElroy has been at the college for more than 25 years and has served as chair of the Empire State College Senate.
The college’s Office of Prior Learning oversees the SUNY Empire’s unique individualized prior learning assessment process for awarding credit to students for the college-level learning they have acquired through standardized exams, professional training, credentials certificates and licensure, military training and occupation and other sources of work and life experience.
Students incorporating PLA into their degrees persist to graduation with a postsecondary degree at twice the rate of similar students not earning PLA credit,” said McElroy. “PLA decreases both time to degree completion and tuition costs. Depending on the number of PLA credits earned, students may save a substantial amount of tuition. Through PLA, students also can avoid having to spend time with a subject they already have mastered."
McElroy added that research has shown that students seeking and earning credit through PLA showed an increased sense of pride and accomplishment in validating their experiential learning as being at the college level.
In addition to a certificate of recognition, Chancellor’s Award recipients are presented with a medallion, which may be worn with regalia during academic events such as convocations and commencements.
McElroy received his award during the college’s commencement ceremony at Syracuse, held on Thursday, June 1, at The OnCenter.
He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Studies, with a concentration in creative writing and literature, in 1996. In 2001, McElroy earned a Master of Arts in English from SUNY Brockport. His master’s thesis is “Postmodernism in the Contemporary Novel: Non-linear and Dysynchronous Elements in the Narratives of The White Hotel, The Golden Notebook and The French Lieutenant's Woman.”
SUNY Chancellor Kristina M. Johnson said, “Our faculty and staff educate, inspire and support our students to pursue their passions; they are the driving force on campus. Those we honor are leading this effort through their commitment to their craft and their dedication to our students. I am proud to celebrate and honor this year’s SUNY Empire State College recipients.”
About the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence
The Chancellor’s Award for Excellence programs underscore SUNY’s commitment to sustaining intellectual vibrancy, advancing the boundaries of knowledge, providing the highest quality of instruction and serving the public good.
Through the awards, SUNY publicly proclaims its pride in the accomplishments and personal dedication of its instructional faculty, librarians and professional staff across its campuses.
These awards are presented annually to faculty and staff in seven categories: Faculty Service, Librarianship, Professional Service, Scholarship and Creative Activities, Teaching, Adjunct in Teaching, and Classified Service.