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February 15, 2017
Business Professor Sewon Kim Joins Editorial Board of Human Resource Development Quarterly Journal

Associate Professor of Business Sewon Kim joins Human Resource Development Quarterly Journal's editorial board.
HRDQ is one of the most established refereed quarterly journals in the field of human resource and organization development that publishes original empirical research.
Kim, a 2016 recipient of the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship, will serve as an editorial board member for a three-year term and perform high-quality, timely reviews in support of HRDQ.
He will be committed to sustaining and improving the reputation of the journal as a respected venue for disseminating high-quality research.
Previously, Kim served as an examiner of the best dissertation for the Academy of Management, Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Divisions.
He currently chairs the Academy of Human Resource Development Dissertation Award and serves as an international ambassador for the Academy of Management’s Human Resources Division.
Kim’s research and teaching interests are coaching, research methods, strategic talent management, organizational behavior and development, and global management and leadership.