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November 8, 2017
Professor Meg Benke Receives National University Technology Network’s Noflett Williams Service Award

Professor Meg Benke, of SUNY Empire State College's School for Graduate Studies, received the 2017 Noflett Williams Service Award from the National University Technology Network at its annual conference last month in San Antonio, Texas.
At SUNY Empire, Benke is head of the graduate division of education and coordinator of the Master of Arts in Adult Learning and Master of Arts in Learning and Emerging Technologies. Each year, NUTN bestows eight awards on individuals advancing applications of technology to teaching and learning in higher education.
The award is named in honor of the late Nofflet D. Williams, a NUTN founder and pioneer in the application of telecommunications to education and the development of distance learning on state, national and international levels. It recognizes an individual who exhibits, over a sustained period and in a consistent manner, a commitment to providing service to those in the field. It recognizes the individual as a contributor, mentor, “do-er,” and leader of national and international note.
“Receiving the Noflett Williams award is an honor,” said Benke. “Active engagement in such an extraordinary community of teachers and learners humbles and inspires me. My colleagues at SUNY Empire State College, the National University Technology Adult and, most importantly, my nontraditional and adult students, continue to be a great source of motivation and personal and professional growth.”
A nationally and internationally recognized leader in adult learning and education, Benke has devoted her entire career to improving the quality of education and increasing access and choice for this segment of the higher-education student population. In addition, she has worked to advance professionalism in her field and as an advocate for adults at state and national levels.
In January 2017, Benke, already a commissioner of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, was elected to serve on its executive committee. She will continue her service to Middle States as a commissioner, as well as chair its Committee on Substantive Change.
In 2013, Benke was inducted into the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame, established to honor leaders in the fields of continuing education and adult learning, as well as serve as a record and inspiration for the next generation of continuing education leaders.