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November 18, 2015
Assistant Prof. Lisa D’Adamo-Weinstein Named One of Six Expert Reviewers for Council for the Advancement of Standards Learning Assistance Program

Lisa D’Adamo-Weinstein, a director of academic support and assistant professor with SUNY Empire State College, has been named one of six National College Learning Center Association appointees to the Council for the Advancement of Standards Learning Assistance Program Standards “expert reviewer” panel.
CAS, founded in 1979, writes the standards of practice for 44 areas within the academy.
These 44 “functional areas” touch students’ lives, as well as contribute to their learning. One of those areas is Learning Assistance Programs.
A committee of CAS board members is responsible for writing and revising functional area standards (e.g., Learning Assistance Programs). The CAS committee reviewing the LAP standards is a mix of CAS directors from associations directly related to the learning assistance field and directors who represent other fields. The CAS committee relies heavily on the thoughts of expert practitioners within the field, whose set of standards is under review.
D’Adamo-Weinstein also serves as one of the core committee members and a lead reviewer for the NCLCA Learning Centers of Excellence Program and co-presented a post-conference institute at the 30th annual NCLCA conference last month on developing learning centers of excellence.
She also was a co-presenter at a national webinar on the same topic Nov. 18.