The Department of Mathematics

Welcome to SUNY Empire State College’s Department of Mathematics.

Why study mathematics?

A mathematics degree prepares you for almost any career because math underlies so much of our lives, e.g., the use of statistics, math in architecture, math for understanding nature and the environment and math in art.

No matter where you are on your career path, these links are worth visiting.

What can you do with a degree in mathematics?

Tailor your mathematics education to pursue a career in:

There is a wide range of possible careers for those who pursue a degree in mathematics.

You can also prepare for graduate school, including SUNY Empire’s Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program.

Nondegree Students

Taking individual courses as a nondegree student is also possible and will offer you the same range and depth of courses and rigorous standards as matriculated undergraduate students. Even if you’re not pursuing a degree, you can take courses to prepare for college-level study, stay current in your field or improve your job skills.