Academic Support Workshops

Academic Support Workshops

Academic support workshops are offered online throughout every region of New York State. 

The Workshop Calendar has moved. For dates, times, and registration go to the Academic Support Portal (MyESC log in required).

There are a wide range of topics offered in our online workshops, some of which include the following:

  • Time Management: Finding a Way to Get it All Done
  • Effective Reading Strategies
  • Writing College Papers: What's It All About?
  • Activity-Based Statistics
  • Financial Accounting

. . . and many more.

For additional information regarding workshops in your area, please contact your Directors of Academic Support or the Academic Support team at


Assignment Calculator

If you have an upcoming assignment and are unsure of what would need to be completed by when, use the Assignment Calculator tool to map out specific steps and dates to submit a particular assingment on time.  You can even e-mail or print out the steps.  Then check out our workshop schedule (login required)--you might discover that one of the workshops will assist you with a particular piece of your assignment.  Try this handy tool today!