Stress Management

Papers, projects, assignments--does this sound familiar? Add your hectic family, your personal interests, and your career responsibilities into the mix, and stress is likely to follow. There is no "one size fits all" approach to managing stress at Empire State College. You will find resources, activities, and exercises in the links below that may help you manage your stress.

  • How stressed are you? – Take this free stress test from the stress management society to get a better idea of your stress level and how to handle it.
  • Managing Stress: Tobacco – The University of Georgia's website presents many facets of life that contribute to stress for students and recommends using a wellness lifestyle approach to cope with them.
  • Reduce, Prevent, and Cope With Stress – Helpguide, a non-profit organization, provides many tools and resources on its Web site to help you reduce your stress level.
  • Stress Management Techniques – The Mindtools Web site helps you identify sources of stress and provides techniques to help you cope with stress on a daily basis.
  • Stress Management Video – This 10-minute video presented by the Dartmouth College Academic Skills Center promotes three core strategies for dealing with stress: a positive attitude, a healthy lifestyle, and relaxation techniques.

For additional support with stress management, please connect with your local academic support team.

If you have links to stress management resources that you would like to share or suggestions for improving this website, please send them to