Independent Learning

Studies at Empire State College frequently require you to use independent learning skills and strategies. Mentors and instructors, in particular, may ask you to work with them in creating learning experiences that will develop your skills as a capable, self-reliant, self-motivated and life-long learner.

Empire State College maintains an extensive set of resources on independent learning at the SUNY Empire Online Educational Planning Resources Educational Planning Workshops Learning Skills page. Empire State College mentor, Christopher Rounds, developed these resources to help students become better independent learners. The following selected links from Educational Planning will help you get started on your path as an independent learner, regardless of learning environment or skill level.

  • Learning Styles Self-Assessment – This learning style survey will help you begin to identify what learning style best fits you. Once you have identified your learning style, you will be able to look for learning strategies that will help you study and learn in a more productive manner.
  • Self-Assessment: Independent Learning – This self-assessment will help you think through the implications of your decision to return to college as an independent learner. It should get you thinking about challenges you will face in becoming an independent learner and ways in which you can respond to those challenges.
  • Independent Learning Strategies – This web page supports the Independent Learning Audit by providing you with an opportunity to assess your strengths and weaknesses in several important areas.
  • Listening Skills – Good listening skills are an important ingredient for success. Tips to improve listening effectiveness are presented by the Films Media Group in this 15 minute video.

For additional support with independent learning strategies or for learning more about the Independent Learning Strategies course offering, please contact the directors of academic support at your location.

If you have links to independent learning resources that you would like to share or suggestions for improving this Web site, please send them to