Frequently Asked Questions about the Peer Tutor Program

- Can anyone request a peer tutor?
Yes, any student can request a peer tutor. A peer tutor is meant to supplement existing college resources. Students should discuss their difficulties with their mentor and course instructor to determine if peer tutoring is the best route to take and if other college resources also might be helpful.
- Do I need permission from my mentor to request a peer tutor?
No. However, it is recommended to communicate with your mentor if you are struggling with a particular course. Your mentor may be able to provide additional resources and/or direction that could assist you with your studies as well.
- Can I request more than one peer tutor, if I am struggling with more than one course?
Yes. The Office of Academic Support will attempt to accommodate all peer tutor requests. However, if you require many peer tutors on a consistent basis, a discussion with your mentor and/or instructor is recommended to review your course load and the type of courses you are enrolling in.
- Are peer tutors paid?
The Peer Tutor Program is composed of paid and unpaid tutors. Peer tutors who qualify for federal work-study can be paid for the tutoring they provide. More information about federal work-study can be obtained at or by calling the Financial Aid office directly.
- How often are peer tutors available? Can I request a peer tutor at anytime?
The availability of peer tutors is based on the peer tutor's schedule. The peer tutor and tutee develop a schedule convenient for both parties. Requesting a peer tutor can be done anytime a student feels they need assistance with their courses.
- How long is a peer tutor available to tutor?
A peer tutor is available until the course is completed, or until you no longer need assistance with the course material.
- Are peer tutors available for every course or subject area?
Unfortunately, peer tutors may not be available for every course or subject area. If a peer tutor cannot be found for a specific course, The Office of Academic Support will make every effort to find or suggest alternative resources to help you.
- How long is a peer tutor available to tutor?
A peer tutor is available until the course is completed, or until you no longer need assistance with the course material.
- How do I meet with a peer tutor? Do I have to travel?
Because online students live all over the country, the primary mode of contact will be phone, e-mail, and other methods of electronic communication. Meeting in person is only encouraged if both the peer tutor and tutee agree to such a meeting, and if that meeting is cleared by The Office of Academic Support. If the peer tutor is a work-study student, face-to-face tutoring can only take place at an Empire State College regional center or unit.
- If I use a peer tutor, does this reflect badly on my record?
Working with a peer tutor means you recognize the need for academic assistance and are taking the initiative to become a stronger student.
- How do I request a peer tutor?
Please visit the Request a Peer Tutor link, review the information, and complete the peer tutor request form. To request the form, please email The Office of Academic Support at
- How do I become a peer tutor?
Please visit the Become A Peer Tutor section, review the information, and complete the peer tutor application. Please email to request the form.
- Who can I speak with at SUNY Empire Online's Office of Academic Support about the Peer Tutor Program?
If you have questions and would like to speak with someone personally, please contact Jodi Ostrander at 800 847-3000 ext. 3008. Or you can e-mail your questions to
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