The Peer Tutor/Coach Program

Welcome to the Peer Tutor Program. The Peer Tutor/Coach Program encompasses three levels of support: The Peer Tutor, The Academic Coach, and The Course Assistant Programs.
Looking for a tutor/coach? Are you a student who is
- seeking assistance with course content, material and assignments?
- in need of development in the areas of time management, studying skills, or other areas?
- in need of assistance with navigating Moodle and/or other software tools?
- new to SUNY Empire State College?
The Peer Tutor Program provides tutoring and coaching services, complementing the already available college resources, to those students needing additional assistance with their studies and/or needing guidance, encouragement and/or skill development. A trained peer tutor and/or academic coach will be assigned based on the details of the student's request.
If you are in need of assistance with your course(s), need guidance and/or skill development, see Request a Peer Tutor/Academic Coach for more information and to request a peer tutor/academic coach. Please note, tutors/coaches are not guaranteed. Every effort will be made to find a peer tutor/academic coach for each request received.
Looking to tutor/coach/assist? Are you a student who has
- an interest in tutoring/coaching/assisting another student or a group of students and/or entering the teaching field?
- strong communication skills which lend themselves to tutoring by phone, e-mail and other electronic communication means?
- earned a B+ or higher in SUNY Empire Online courses?
The Peer Tutor Program is always accepting new applications. If you are interested in becoming a peer tutor/academic coach/course assistant, please review the information in the Peer Tutor/Coach Application (file 61kB) page and complete the Peer Tutor Application and other required forms.
NOTE: Please review the three types of tutoring opportunities, academic coach, peer tutor, and course assistant. These roles have different expectations.
For more information about this program, please contact the following:
Office of Academic Support
SUNY Empire State College
800-847-3000, ext. 3008