August 3, 2020

Untitled by Brian Mansfield

Brian Mansfield

The only problem that I have been dealing with as a result of COVID-19 is guilt. In September 2019, I left the Fire Department of New York Emergency Medical Service to pursue a career with Local 3. I loved my job as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) but EMS is not paid well at all. I was stationed at Station 46 which is connected to Elmhurst Hospital. Many of my friends and old partners as an EMT have been putting their lives on the line. A nurse who I was proud to call a friend has since passed away. He was a night shift nurse that could take control of any situation. He treated EMT’s with respect and had no problem lending a helping hand. Another issue that I have had was with my old partner whose wife recently had a child. I helped to calm him down. It was difficult but he got through it and now has a beautiful baby boy. The unfair pay gap between such an essential work especially in this time between other first responders is disgusting. I loved the work but couldn't afford it. Thank God for unions like Local 3 to protect its workers and fight for our right for appropriate wages.



NY Field Hospital

Megan Finn