August 3, 2020

Surviving Covid-19

Kamirah Jones

The first couple of weeks of quarantine weren't bad. I got some very much needed rest,          ​and I caught up with my family and I indulged on some of our favorite meals trying to find comfort. We've been eating a lot, leading us to gain weight. Isn’t that what's expected when you're eating more than usual and aren't in frequent movement like you would be on a regular day? Lately, I've found myself being more productive. I take full advantage of the time I have on my hands and try to take care of things I don't normally have a lot of time for, like spring cleaning. I started preparing healthy meals for my family. We're drinking more water, and I'm working on picking a color to paint my apartment. I figured what better time than now?

I've always been an active, independent person who's on the move like the Energizer bunny. So, I'm digging into an old passion of mine, which is dancing, and the music is therapeutic. After a few songs I start to sweat, my heart starts to beat fast. It feels great to be up, moving, and doing something I love. By the end of my dance routine I feel like I accomplished something for the day. I still miss waking up, getting dressed to run to my car and start my day by either working or going to the gym on my days off. I miss little things like taking a stroll around the neighborhood and stopping to converse with your neighbors. By the way, yes you can stop to talk to your neighbors, if they're outside, but they ought to be wearing a mask or stay six feet away.  Taking my kids to the park was perhaps something we took for granted. We can't greet our friends and family the way we used to; we don't kiss on the cheek, shake hands, or hug anymore.

Two of my nieces had a birthday a couple of weeks ago, and we couldn't be part of the birthday celebration their parents planned for them. A week later we celebrated Mother's Day. On a regular Mother’s Day, we would go to get our nails and hair done, put our best outfits to be taken out to our favorite restaurant for breakfast, or the Mother's Day service at church. Well not this Mother's Day 2020. I feel what hurt most was not being able to get together as a family like we do every year for Mother's Day. Thank God for video chatting. It helps alleviate the pain, and it keeps us distracted for a while.

The best way I've found to deal with the pandemic is by working on reestablishing a strong spiritual connection with the existing higher power. I pray and meditate; I'm also working on making better choices when I eat and feed my family.  I'm reading more and I'm learning to write better. I enjoy the time I spend with my family and I am grateful for everyday that's gifted to me by the Almighty.