August 3, 2020

Coronavirus and Me

Christian Pena

It seems as though the world is on fire, but I'm more concerned about what book I should start reading next. I have no strong feelings about how to fix the current state of the world, but I do have a strong belief that I will survive it no matter what. With my good outlook on this situation I have been able to maintain and build my health and character.

The first step to approaching a problem is realizing your current position and capabilities. My priority is preservation of myself and my loved ones and I achieve that by acting within my means. I buy from the small selection I have at the supermarket and I work at a second job that does nothing to further my main career path. It feels awful to have my life effectively get put on pause, but I realize that it is completely out of my control so I cannot dwell on it. As long as I do my best with whatever the world gives me, I will be able to keep myself happy as well as focused on what matters to me.

One of the best things to focus on right now is health. It's our duty no matter what to make sure we are not susceptible to any disease. I concentrate on basic diet and exercise. The quarantine has actually aided in my efforts. I feel it is easier to hydrate at home than outside. In trying to maintain my stockpile of food, I have planned my meals based on quality than quantity. My habit of midnight junk food runs has completely stopped with the advent of curfews in the city that never sleeps. Lastly, all the free time I now have has helped me do more calisthenics. All these things have helped me maintain a healthy sleep schedule as well. As a result, I feel way less drowsy during the day and more motivated to act. I am trying my best to make the most of my situation and It’s paying off greatly.

With increased motivation but reduced responsibility I’ve had to use that energy elsewhere. I have been putting more effort into keeping the hobbies I enjoy. Because of my time and energy, I am able to reconnect with activities I couldn't comfortably do before. I have picked up watching movies and playing video games again. I get to experience my favorite things again with the time and energy I had when I was younger. Though I never fully gave up my hobbies, the way I do them now is vastly more enjoyable. I get to give it the kind of attention I would give a job. Another reinvigorated hobby I have is reading, both for entertainment and self-improvement. Reading about topics I'm interested in or just self-help books is something I never had the motivation for before. This forced time of isolation is perfect for trying to become a more robust person. It’s exciting to greatly improve myself for the future when my life goes back to normal.

Between my responsibilities, my hobbies and my self-improvement, I have managed to leave little space for idleness in my quarantine. My optimistic attitude is what allows me to fill my days with fulfilling activities in this time of anxiety and uncertainty. Firstly, I make sure to care about the things that matter to me and not the things that are out of my control. I keep myself in good shape to make me feel physically better. I put my time and effort into my hobbies to enrich them and lastly, I don't stop trying to become a better person every day. Continuing this way will make sure I get through this predicament unscathed.



How to Wear a Mask

Yesenia Montesdeoco