Standard Page Layouts

The college has developed several standard page layouts that are available for use in the TerminalFour (t4) content management system. The layouts have been carefully designed to be flexible enough for a wide range of content. 

In addition to this page, take the time to review existing websites within the college's main site. Typically, you'll find that the standard layouts will meet your needs.

College and college-affiliated sites housed in the t4 system will use the standard page layouts. You can choose to use one layout consistently throughout your site, or a mix of different layouts, depending on your audience, purpose and content.

College and college-affiliated sites on other platforms will use a look and feel that is compatible with the standard page layouts to the extent possible on the platform used. See the standards about required elements for details.

Benefits of Using the Standard Page Layouts


The standard layouts already meet the college's Web design and technical standards. You can give all your time and attention to your content.


Your site can be set up, approved and live on the Web sooner. You avoid the time and effort needed to get an exception approved, as well as the time to design, approve, program and test a custom look and feel.

Page Layout Options

One-Column or Wide Page

One-column pages are the current standard, and most pages will use this layout. This page you are currently viewing is an example of a one-column page.

Two-Column Pages

Two-column pages have a column of main content and a right column for other, related content. The Academic Affairs site uses a two-column layout.

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