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Federal and New York State Legislation

New York State Policies:

Empire State College Policies:

Other Sources

"The Associated Press Stylebook" (available in hardcopy and online subscription)

Mirriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary (online)

(Wikipedia) "The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two"

Colter, Angela, "The Audience You Didn't Know You Had," Contents Magazine, Issue 2, Jan. 2012

Lazar, Jonathan , Allen, Aaron, Kleinman, Jason and Malarkey, Chris (2007) 'What Frustrates Screen Reader Users on the Web: A Study of 100 Blind Users', International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 22:3, 247 - 269

Patrick J. Lynch and Sarah Horton, Web Style Guide, 3rd Edition

McCloskey, Marieke, Writing Hyperlinks: Salient, Descriptive, Start with Keyword, March 9, 2014, Nielsen-Norman Group

Nielsen, Jakob, "Designing Web Usability: The Practice of Simplicity," New Riders Publishing, 2000

Nielsen-Norman Group, Web Usability (most recent articles) research of Jakob Nielsen and others

Nielsen-Norman Group, Writing for the Web (most recent articles) research of Jakob Nielsen and others

Office of Communications and Marketing, SUNY Empire State College, College Branding Toolbox

Pearson Education, "Making Learning Technologies Accessible"

Plain Language Action and Information Network (PLAIN), “Plain Language: Improving Communications from the Federal Government to the Public
Note: The PLAIN site includes extensive information about the federal Plain Writing Act of 2010. The Plain Writing Act only applies to federal agencies, but its requirements make good sense for websites in general.

Redish, Janice, "Letting Go of the Words: Writing Web Content That Works," Morgan Kaufmann, 2007


World Wide Web Consortium:

IT Service Desk

888-Help-009 (888-435-7009)

IT Service Desk Quick Start Guide (PDF 766kB)

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