Requesting a New Website


  • Use this procedure to request a new webpage or site, web-based forms and applications that are for a college or college-affiliated site, or for changes to an existing college or college-affiliated site that are beyond the scope of normal maintenance.
  • Complete this procedure before any design or development work is done. This will ensure that the work is authorized, the appropriate people are informed and that the necessary planning and analysis take place.
  • Use this procedure even when the work will be done by an outside vendor.
  • For normal site maintenance by site stewards and administrators, use the procedure "Maintaining Web Content".
(person making the request may or may not be the site steward)
  1. Make sure that authorization has been given for the website's subject or task. For example, the Office of Academic Affairs must approve a new residency before requesting a website.
  2. Make sure that what is requested does not already exist in some form in the college Web presence. If you are not able to determine this on your own, submit and incident ticket via the IT Service Desk.
  3. If something already exists but changes seem needed, contact the steward (overseeing office) of the existing version to discuss the proposed changes. (Go to step 4.)


    For a new website, identify an appropriate steward for the new website and get that person's agreement to be the steward. (Go to step 7.)
Site Steward for an Existing Website
  1. Discuss the proposed changes with the requester. Consult with other stakeholders as needed.
  2. Decide on what action to take with the proposed changes and inform the requester of your decision.
  3. Authorize the site administrator to make accepted changes that are within the scope of normal maintenance.


    For approved changes which are beyond the scope of normal maintenance, work with OCM or ITS via the IT Service Desk. Use the website planning sheet for guidance on information to provide.
Site Steward for a Proposed New Website
  1. Consult with the requester, OCM, OAA, ITS and any other appropriate people about what will be needed for the new website. Use the website planning sheet for guidance on what to consider. If an exception to the college's Web standards and practices seems needed, get authorization from OCM.

    Note: Answer as many of the questions on the planning worksheet as you can. Skip any questions that you cannot answer; they can be completed later.
  2. Submit a request to OCM.
Web Content Coordinator
  1. Confer with the OCM or ITS and others as appropriate about the request.
  2. Inform the requester of the request decision. If approved, provide anticipated start and end dates for work and negotiate the best ways to share content, design ideas and all reviews.
  3. If the request is approved, inform the Web manager.
Web Services
  1. Update the website inventory as needed. For new websites, make sure a steward and administrator have been identified.
Vendors, Web Content Coordinator, or Designated Others
  1. Begin work on the request.


IT Service Desk

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