Making a Website Live
What does "live" mean?
At a basic level, a website is "live" once it has been published to a web server. This creates an address (URL) so the site can be visited by users and indexed by search engines.
In the context of a site that is one part of the college web presence, it also means:
- there are links to the newly live site from all the places in the college website that were identified in the integration plan
- the newly live site has been included in the college website's search index as laid out in the integration plan.
What does this process apply to?
This process applies to:
- new college or college-affiliated websites, web-based forms and applications
- changes to existing college or college-affiliated sites, web-based forms and applications that are beyond the scope of normal maintenance
- college or college-affiliated sites that are being migrated from their current platform into TerminalFour.
What must happen before a site can be made live?
All of the following tasks must be completed before a website can be made live:
- Authorization has been given for the website's subject or task as well as for the website.
- A site steward and at least one site administrator have been assigned.
- An integration plan has been approved by OCM and ITS in consultation with other stakeholders.
- If the new site is replacing an existing site, Web-based form or Web application, a detailed plan for decommissioning the old content and redirecting users to the new has been developed by the Web manager, in consultation with the Web Content Coordinator.
- All content has been reviewed and approved by the steward, OCM, OAA (for academic content), appropriate subject matter experts and stakeholders.
- The site, Web-based form or application has passed all relevant technical reviews.
- The minimum reviews are: accessibility, conformance to the applicable specifications for HTML and CSS, links, URLs for search engine optimization
- ITS staff will identify any other reviews and tests that are needed. These include but are not limited to: checks of functionality, usability and security.
- For a site in t4, the appropriate t4 workflow has been applied.
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