
College-Affiliated Webpages

Webpages developed, maintained, or hosted by entities other than SUNY Empire State College, but referenced or used by the college to conduct official business, or represent the official voice of the college in accordance with the college’s mission. Examples may include, but are not limited to: the college library blog,, and

College Webpages

Webpages under the direct control of SUNY Empire State College that represent the official voice of the college to all internal and external audiences, including prospective students, current students, alumni, faculty, staff, friends of the college and the general public. Examples include the main college webpages, learning-resource sites such as the online library, Web-based applications such as Web Advisor and DP Planner and other online sites and tools used to conduct official college business, or convey official college information.

Electronic Publications

Content posted and available online or shared via network resources. Examples include, but are not limited to text files, HTML and PDF documents, audio and video flash files or other materials and documents available online.

Individual Webpages

Webpages developed and maintained by SUNY Empire State College students, faculty and staff for the purpose of self-expression, communication or other individual uses related to the individual’s affiliation with the college and the college’s mission.

Live Website

A website that has been published to a Web server, so that people who know the site's address can visit it. If the site is part of a larger site, users also can get to it via links from elsewhere in the larger site and/or by using the larger site's search tools.

Personal Webpages

Webpages developed and maintained by individuals for the purpose of personal self-expression, communication or other personal uses. SUNY Empire State College does not host, maintain or provide support for personal webpages.

Site Administrator

The SUNY Empire State College employee responsible for the development and maintenance of content on webpages assigned to him or her by a site steward. Site administrators are normally those individuals with technical skills assigned to develop and maintain webpages, or who have direct supervisory responsibility over those who develop and maintain webpages.

Site Steward

The individual SUNY Empire State College employee responsible for the accuracy and appropriateness of a webpage’s content. The steward may or may not also be the site administrator and/or subject-matter expert. The site steward is typically, but not exclusively, a dean or director.

Subject-matter Expert

The individual SUNY Empire State College employee who creates or provides basic content source materials and reviews webpage content for accuracy, timeliness and relevance.

Web-based Instructional Materials

Instructional material provided via the Web specifically for college courses or studies. Such materials are governed by the college’s policy on academic freedom as outlined in the faculty handbook. More general-purpose, publicly available learning resources such as writing resources or the information skills tutorials are not considered college Web-based instructional material and should be treated as college-affiliated webpages.

Web Presence

Message, image or other representation of an organization or individual as presented on the Web, including content that may be presented via the Web on college, college-affiliated, individual, or personal webpages.

Website Maintenance

Performing the work needed to make sure that all live content on a site is relevant, accurate and current, and that the content is in accordance with applicable policies, standards, guidelines and best practices.

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