Website Planning Sheets

These website planning sheets are meant to help you, the Office of Information Technologies Services and other stakeholders think through important questions related to developing a new site or doing a major revision to an existing one.

Use the planning sheet that best fits your role:


Authorization for the subject of the website

Example: Suppose you are requesting a website for the XYZ residency. Specify the person or group that authorized the residency itself. 

Proposed site title  
Purpose(s) of site

Example: "provide information about the XYZ residency to students"

Anticipated audience? Choose all that apply:
  • academic conference/workshop attendees
  • alumni
  • current students
  • employees
  • general public
  • prospective students
  • other (specify)
Website use Choose one:
  • ongoing
  • one-time special event or need (specify)
  • annual/term-related event or need (specify)
Website access

Choose one:

  • public
  • password-protected (specify who has access)
  • mix of public and password-protected (specify who has access to what)
Website will be:

Choose one:

  • part of the college website
  • college-affiliated
Approximate size of website

If you have certain pages in mind list them here, but the size, organization and layout of your website will be determined by the content.


Choose all that apply

  • text (already have)
  • text (needs to be written)
  • graphics/photos (already have)
  • custom graphics/photos (need to be designed/shot)
  • PDFs
  • MS Word
  • Excel
  • other (specify)

Choose all that apply

  • none
  • video - live
  • video - recorded. -- transcript or closed-captioned (required with video)
  • other (specify)
Forms or other interactivity

Choose all that apply

  • none
  • existing forms or interactive elements (specify)
  • forms or interactive elements (need to be developed - specify)
Contact person(s) for this revision or development  
Site steward(s)  
Site administrator(s)  
Go-live date Indicate if the go-live date is desired or required. -- Be sure to account for at least a few weeks of development and review time, longer for large, high-profile and/or feature-heavy sites.

ITS Web Services Team

Requested site is:  
  • new
  • conversion of existing site on another platform to the TerminalFour system
  • major rework of an existing site.
Server where located
  • other (specify)
Directory path  
Technology/Platform(s) used
  • TerminalFour
  • Lotus Notes
  • Drupal
  • vendor service (specify)
  • other (specify)
User access level(s)  
Shortcut addresses

Main shortcut:



Relation to other sites

Is the site related to any existing site and/or OIT/college project(s) under development?  Y/N; 
If Y specify; include links to project-management documentation, if available.

Forms or other interactivity:  Y/N; if Y, choose all that apply

Note: These often will have their own separate profile.

  • notes-based application
  • interaction with Datatel
  • Flash (or other?) interactive items, such as online quizzes or exercises, or interactive demos
  • other.



Application development/programming needed: Y/N; if Y describe below:
Database integration needed Y/N; if Y describe below:


Inclusion in public search engines:
  • entire site

  • selected pages/sections (specify)

  • excluded
Inclusion in internal search: 
  • entire site

  • selected pages/sections (specify)

  • excluded
Best bets (specify which pages, the title and annotation to use for the best bet)  
  • site will be tracked in the college’s main Google Analytics (GA) account  
    (default is Yes; if N, explain why)

  • site will be tracked using an additional GA account  (Y/N; if Y, specify)

  • tracking codes have been applied (Y/N; if Y, specify which one(s))







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