Master of Arts in Teaching Clinically Rich Residency Program

The Clinically Rich Residency pathway uses a blended model of delivery, with online, face-to-face and clinically based instructional modes. After completing the first year of the MAT program (18 credits and 100 hours of field experience), residents begin a year-long placement in a 7-12 classroom with a critic teacher certified in his or her content area. As the school year progresses, residents incrementally assume more responsibility for the classroom, building to an immersion and lead instructional responsibility for the critic teacher’s classes for eight weeks during the spring term.

During the year-long residency, students complete an additional 24 credits of relevant course work that links theory to classroom practice, while receiving intensive mentoring by faculty members and supervisors. The program concludes with the Residency Capstone course. In addition to completing the 42-credit MAT program, students must pass the NYS certification exams (CST, EAS and EdTPA) in order to qualify for Initial certification.

Clinically-Rich Residency Pathway Curriculum

Year One – Introductory Year (18 credit hours)




U.S. Schools in Social Context*

Middle Childhood and Adolescent Development*



Teaching and Learning*

Exceptionalities: Individualized Learning*



Teaching Diverse Learners

Content Area Study

Year Two –  In-Service Year (24 credit hours)




Teaching and Curriculum


Residency Seminar 1



Educational Evaluation

Literacy Across the Curriculum

Residency Seminar 2



Residency Capstone

*Each course integrates structured field experiences in NYS schools.

New York State Initial Teaching Certificate Requirements

To qualify for the New York State Initial teacher certification, the candidate must:

  • complete all degree requirements, including one year in a clinically rich residency placement
  • pass the required EdTPA portfolio assessment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do students need to apply to the residency if they already are accepted to the original MAT transitional B certification program?

No, a formal application is not required, but students should notify their advisor and the director of teacher education if they are interested in pursuing a residency placement.

How are students selected for a residency placement?

All MAT students interested in a placement will be interviewed by the administration at their potential host school. A student must be in good standing in their program in order to participate in the Residency.  Partnering school districts have final approval of all residents to be placed in their schools.

How can teaching assistants complete the residency placement in conjunction with their school-based employment?

MAT students who are employed as teaching assistants (or paraprofessionals) in a middle or high school may complete their residency placement in their employing school. During the fall semester, one class period per day must be devoted solely to the residency placement. During the spring semester, an additional eight-week full immersion in the residency is required. This may necessitate an eight-week leave of absence from the teaching assistant's employment. Placement details will be negotiated between the MAT program administration and the employing school's administration.

How can substitute teachers complete the residency placement in conjunction with their school-based employment?

MAT students can integrate substitute teaching with the residency placement.  In this model, Residents would spend three days a week with their Critic Teacher and can substitute teach for up to two days a week.   The hosting district ensures that substitute teaching will only take place at the middle or high school level, in order to align with the developmental level of the Resident’s program. In addition, the district will prioritize subbing in the Resident’s content area, when possible. During the Residency’s most intensive period, the eight week immersion in the Spring term, no substitute teaching would take place so that the Resident has uninterrupted time with the Critic Teacher.

Are there any funding opportunities in place for the residency pathway?

Yes!  Residents are potentially eligible to receive work study funds for their time spent in their residency placement.  Students would need to speak with the Financial Aid Office to determine eligibility.



The Classroom Academy Program

Classroom Academy Logo in the shape of an apple with red bands around it

The Classroom Academy residency model is a pathway option within our existing 3-year MAT program. After the first year of the program, Classroom Academy Residents are fully integrated into a host school for year 2 and 3. MAT students will teach alongside a Critic Teacher, under a gradual release of responsibility model. Over 2 years, the Resident will gradually take over the responsibilities of the teacher, including following curriculum, lesson planning, and classroom leadership. Residents will have the support and guidance of their Critic Teacher, Field Supervisor and course instructors over 2 years while working in their placement.

Residents are eligible for a living stipend through the Classroom Academy P-12 partners of $22,000 per year. In addition, students are welcome to apply for a Federal Works Study grant, which would be applied during the period of time the student is acting as the teacher in their residency placement. Completion of this program will give each Resident 1 year to count towards their professional certification.