Graduate Certificate in Information Technology Management

This graduate certificate is designed to expose the learners to a variety of strategic IT topics including designing integrated corporate systems, utilizing e-business technologies and information management, and aligning IT architecture with business strategy and needs. Students will explore the “bigger picture,” gaining an appreciation of how information systems and business operating models work together to accomplish a common goal.

The certificate will enable students to:

  • learn to assess information needs at different levels and functional areas of an organization and to create IT architecture that aligns with the business operating model and strategy
  • expand knowledge of goals, functions, infrastructure, and operations of the IT domain in an organization
  • build skills in the field of IT in various aspects of e-business technologies, systems’ design and deployment, information gathering and management, and emerging technology models
  • apply analytical and technical tools in: (1) planning and integrating IT resources; (2) evaluating and managing risks and quality associated with IT functions and processes; and, (3) leading IT professionals within an organization

Program Design

Courses are taught online and students may begin the certificate program in the fall or summer terms.

Program Prerequisites

Acceptance into the certificate program requires a foundational level of knowledge and/or experience in management information systems or the equivalent. Applicant transcripts will be reviewed for relevant course work to determine eligibility prior to admission.

Required Courses and Suggested Sequence

MGMT 6030 Management Information Systems (3 Credits)

Management Information Systems explores the technologies and organizational factors that make information systems a vital part of contemporary business. By designing and building software applications, students will become familiar with the unique problems and opportunities that information systems present. The analysis of business cases will enable students to manage effectively both the hard and soft aspects of information systems in the workplace. An important focus of this course is clear, concise communication of technical concepts and business decisions. Therefore, there is an emphasis on written work that clearly states the business case and problem statement and explains information-system technology.

MGMT 6165 System Design and Information Management (3 Credits)

This course covers the foundations, concepts, tools, and techniques involved in system analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance of enterprise computer applications. Topics include systems’ life cycle concepts; tools and techniques to manage information systems projects; introduction to the management of system investigation and analysis; determining system requirements using process, logic, and data modeling; conceptual and detailed design of system key components; criteria for optimum hardware selection; systems implementation and maintenance. Further, the course addresses information management, data warehouse and data mart utilization, information security and data quality concepts, and how to leverage data and modern business intelligence to deliver RIO for a business. This course is required for the advanced certificate in Information Technology Management.

MGMT 6095 E-Commerce and E-Business Technologies (3 Credits)

This course covers emerging online technologies and trends and their influence on the electronic commerce marketplace. The course emphasizes the three major driving forces behind e-commerce: business development and strategy, technological innovations, and social controversies and impacts. Students will learn an in-depth introduction to the field of e-commerce and various revenue model including cloud computing models and delivery methods, and how to market on the Web. Next, the course covers up-to-date coverage of the key topics in e-commerce today, from privacy and piracy, to government surveillance, cyberwar, social and ethical issues, local and mobile marketing, Internet sales taxes, intellectual property. Finally, students learn how to plan for electronic commerce. This course is required for the advanced certificate in Information Technology Management.

MGMT 7050 Strategic Information Technology Management (3 Credits)

This course provides knowledge and competency-based framework related to Information Technology (IT) strategic planning, implementation and management. The curriculum is designed for general and technology managers as well as business leaders involved in strategic planning, designing, and implementing IT projects. The focus of the course is on the role of Information Systems and, particularly, integrating Information Technology components in the modern organization, and how IT leaders design and implement IT-dependent strategic initiatives. The course learning activities focus on the impact of IT on operating business models and how IT strategy should be aligned with the business strategy and decision-making practices; the impact of IT architecture to the organizational Socio-Technical System, and the importance of designing and building reliable and secure operational enterprise systems; the significance of IT leadership and the importance of fostering key IT capability and linking IT to business metrics. This course is required for the advanced certificate in Information Technology Management.

Admission and Advisement

Admission to the certificate program requires the applicant to submit an official transcript of his or her bachelor’s degree along with a completed application. Advising will be provided by the certificate program coordinator, Dr. Hope Sun.

While the 12 credits are fully transferable into the MBA program, acceptance to the MBA will require candidates to apply to the master’s degree program and complete the full admission process. Completion of the graduate certificate does not guarantee admission to the master’s degree program.

Advanced certificates may be incorporated into a related master's degree for those meeting the program admission requirements.

Apply online or request information for more details on the Certificate in Information Technology Management.

Tuition and Fees

Students completing this certificate pay the following tuition and fees:

Federal financial aid is not available unless concurrently matriculated in a master’s degree program.