Graduate Certificate in STEM Education and Emerging Technologies

This graduate certificate provides science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) professionals, practitioners, and educators with opportunities to understand, assess, evaluate, and use technologies to enhance and network learning within and about their specific content areas and needs.  STEM educators in community colleges, higher education, graduate, and professional schools are also being challenged to better understand learners, educational theories, and methods of assessment and evaluation as well as to integrate 21st century skills and technologies so they can be more effective in their teaching.

Program Design

Courses are taught online and students may begin the certificate program in the fall or spring terms.

Required Courses and Suggested Sequence

  • EDET 6005 Learning with Emerging Technologies: Theory and Practice (3 Credits)
  • EDET 6150 STEM Tools, Devices and Simulations (3 Credits)
  • EDET 6025 Assessing Learning in Digital Environments (3 Credits)
  • EDET 6125 Developing an Integrated, Immersive STEM Learning Environment (3 Credits)

For detailed information about our courses, please browse our catalog under Search Courses.

Admission and Advisement

Admission to the certificate program requires the applicant to submit an official transcript of his or her bachelor’s degree, along with a completed application. Advising will be provided by faculty in the Learning and Emerging Technologies program.

While the 12 credits are fully transferable into the M.A. in Learning and Emerging Technologies, acceptance to the master’s degree will require candidates to apply to the program and complete the full admission process. Completion of the graduate certificate does not guarantee admission to the master’s degree program.

Advanced certificates may be incorporated into a related master's degree for those meeting the program admission requirements.

Apply online or request information for more details on the Certificate in STEM Education and Emerging Technologies.

Please note: The certificate in STEM Education and Emerging Technologies is not a New York State teaching certificate.


Tuition and Fees

Students completing this certificate pay the following tuition and fees:

Federal financial aid is not available unless concurrently matriculated in a master’s degree program.