Graduate Certificate in Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship

The certificate in Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship (formerly Innovation Management and Technology Transfer) is designed for professionals who seek to extend their learning in the field of business management to supplement their current knowledge in sciences, mathematics and engineering in order to successfully bring innovations to broad-based applications and commercial use. This certificate meets the needs of individuals who have a STEM (science technology, engineering and mathematics) background and who want to advance their careers to a leadership entrepreneurial role in a start-up or established business.

The focus of this certificate is on the management of innovation and applications in organizations.

Program Design

Courses are taught online and students may begin the certificate program in the fall, spring or summer terms.

Required Courses and Suggested Sequence

MGMT 6050 Operations Management (3 Credits)

This course examines how firms actually produce goods or deliver services. The organizing framework for the study is the management of quality. Students develop the ability to apply not only the analytical tools of quality control, but also the managerial tools to promote continuous improvement of processes and products throughout the organization. Students also develop the ability to bring together personnel, equipment and materials to ensure efficient production processes.

MGMT 6110 Legal Aspects of Entrepreneurship (3 Credits)

This course will examine the legal environment within which the entrepreneur must operate and evolve. Consequently and more specifically, this study will survey the legal field and the parameters the entrepreneur must be mindful of in order to effectively initiate and develop a new venture, including business ethics and social responsibility, as reflected through rules and regulations; statutory versus common law and its impact on the entrepreneur; dispute resolution; torts, crime and international law and its effects on the entrepreneurial scene; and constitutional law and how it permeates essentially every aspect of American commerce and enterprise. This course also will look at contract law and the UCC [Uniform Commercial Code], sales and product liability, negotiable instruments, secured transactions, bankruptcy, agency law, employment and labor law, antitrust law and securities regulations, consumer law, intellectual law and the prominent role they play for the entrepreneur. Lastly, this course will explore the legalities revolving around staring a business, the benefits of incorporating versus limited liability partnerships, and/or sole proprietorship, as well as the increasingly emerging areas of cyber law and environmental law.

MGMT 6100 Innovation and Global Commercialization (3 Credits)

This course focuses on opportunities to manage technology within a global business to meet the goals of the strategic plan. This course is an introduction to the multidisciplinary aspects (including operational issues, such as teamwork and technology transfer), involved in the process of bringing technical developments, particularly research emanating from universities and other allied organizations, into commercial use. The course covers the process of planning, executing and evaluating the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of new products (both goods and services) and ideas to create value for customers and sustainability for firms in consideration of the external market environment and internal organizational constraints.

MGMT 7035 Strategic Application of Innovation and Planning (3 Credits)

Covers the critical skills for strategic leadership and strategy development, including environmental scanning, competitive assessment, entrepreneurial vision and communication and management of human capital, as well as essential management skills, such as leading innovation teams and building communication strategies from a stakeholder perspective to facilitate the process of technology transfer and strategic planning. Assessment of learning outcomes will be through online discussions, an integrative group project that will include the development of a strategic plan for entrepreneurship and assignments identifying the characteristics of a learning organization.

Admission and Advisement

Admission to the certificate program requires the applicant to submit an official transcript of his or her bachelor’s degree along with a completed application. Advising will be provided by the certificate program coordinator, Dr. Rosalyn Rufer.

While the 12 credits are fully transferable into the MBA program, acceptance to the MBA will require candidates to apply to the master’s degree program and complete the full admission process. Completion of the graduate certificate does not guarantee admission to the master’s degree program.

Advanced certificates may be incorporated into a related master's degree for those meeting the program admission requirements.

Apply online or request information for more details on the Certificate in Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship.

Tuition and Fees

Students completing this certificate pay the following tuition and fees:

Federal financial aid is not available unless concurrently matriculated in a master’s degree program.