Welcome Students

Many learners can demonstrate college/university-level knowledge and competencies without having formal academic training in the given area. Such learning — gained from experiences outside the college and university environment — often merits academic credit, but is not always granted across institutions.

The goal of the SUNY REAL project is to provide students with more options to attain college-level credits in order to help increase their likelihood for quicker access to quality undergraduate credentials.

Through the prior learning assessment (PLA) process, you can have your learning evaluated regardless of where, when, or how you acquired it as long as you can document your learning and it can be verified at a college/university level.

Continue to learn more about PLA

Contact an Advisor

To speak to a SUNY Empire State College advisor about your ePortfolio or to ask questions about the process or the Global Learning Qualifications Framework, email SUNYREAL@esc.edu.

Include your name and phone number with your question.

An advisor will contact you within two business days.