The Global Learning Qualifications Framework

The Global Learning Qualifications Framework (GLQF) is designed to assist students to document their verifiable college/university-level learning for academic credit and to provide an academic framework for evaluators to evaluate student learning.

The GLQF clusters learning into three overaching constructs which subdivide into eight learning domains.

Overarching Constructs: Integration, Knowledge, Engagement

Learning Domains:

Specialized Knowledge | Applied Knowledge | Integrated Knowledge | Communication
Information Literacy | Ethical Responsibility | Sociocultural and Civic Engagement | Learning Engagement

About the Framework

The Global Learning Qualifications Framework (GLQF) is a culmination of research on more than 90 countries’ policies, procedures and qualifications frameworks, the Lumina Foundation’s Degree Qualifications Profile (DQP), the AAC&U’s Liberal Education and America’s Promise (LEAP) project and resulting VALUE Rubrics, as well as other research and materials examining ways in which we can evaluate undergraduate and graduate education.

Students, faculty and evaluators must follow SUNY Empire State College Policies and Procedures.

This project was funded through a Lumina Foundation grant.