Sexual Harassment

Empire State College is committed to ensuring an environment for all employees and students which is fair, humane and respectful. It is college policy to provide an environment where faculty, staff and students are free from harassment, sexual harassment and discrimination. In this end, no member or group of the college community shall harass another member or group.

Sexual harassment is usually defined as repeated unwelcome and unwanted sexual advances, or sexual allusions, unwarranted references to sexuality or sexual activities, requests for sexual favors, and other speech or conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment can occur among peers, supervisors and supervisees, faculty/staff and students.

Empire State College prohibits such conduct. Thus, it is official college policy that sexual harassment of either employees or students will not be tolerated. The college accepts the position that sexual harassment, like any civil rights violation, generates a harmful atmosphere.

Sexual harassment may include:

  • verbal harassment or abuse
  • subtle pressure for sexual activities
  • unnecessary touching, patting or pinching
  • leering at a person’s body
  • constant brushing against a person’s body
  • demanding sexual favors accompanied by implied or overt threats concerning one’s job, performance evaluation, promotion, etc.
  • physical assault.