What is Title IX?

Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. section 1681 is a federal civil rights law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex, including gender identity and gender expression, in education programs and activities. It provides that “[n]o person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” In particular, Title IX prohibits forms of discrimination based on sex, including gender identity and gender expression, such as harassment, sexual assault or sexual violence.

Because Empire State College receives federal financial assistance, all students and employees are covered by Title IX.

College Policy

Consistent with federal and state guidelines, Empire State College does not discriminate on the basis of age, carrier status, color, disability, domestic violence victim, gender, gender identity, genetic predisposition, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation or veteran status in its educational programs or employment.

Title IX also prohibits other forms of sex discrimination such as harassment or sexual violence.

For further resources please visit SUNY's Sexual Assault & Violence Response (SAVR) Resources.

Role of the Title IX Coordinator

The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for the oversight of:

  • employee and student notification and education about their rights under Title IX
  • grievance procedures of alleged discriminatory behaviors that are in violation of Title IX
  • monitoring college compliance related to all aspects of Title IX.

Contact the Title IX Coordinator

Kerianne Silver, Title IX Coordinator
Phone: 1-800-847-3000 x1009
Email: TitleIX@esc.edu

Link to Student Conduct Institute TIX training


The Title IX coordinator is responsible for oversight of:

Notification and Education

  • dissemination of educational materials
  • coordination of  training for students and employees about their rights under Title IX.

Grievance Procedures

  • receipt and processing of inquires and complaints of alleged discriminatory behaviors that are in violation of Title IX.

Monitoring Compliance

  • review of Title IX cases received in other offices
  • partnerships with the following offices to safeguard students’ rights and responsibilities:
    • collegewide student services
    • human resources
    • safety and security
  • examination and review of Empire State College internal practices related to all aspects of Title IX
  • remaining current with state and federal laws as they relate to Title IX.