Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies

Interdisciplinary & Multidisciplinary Studies will allow you to explore a particular area of interest, theme, theory, concern, profession or topic from more than one perspective explored within the college's 12 areas of study. Your close, interdisciplinary examination will be the basis of both discovery and integration of interconnected ideas from different areas. You will sharpen your skills in writing and research and critical reading and thinking, as, together with a faculty mentor, you create a program to meet your specific needs and goals.

Why choose a degree in Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies?

A degree in Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies can be an excellent foundation for:

  • teaching
  • graduate work
  • social-services delivery
  • journalism or creative writing
  • advocacy in an area of interest
  • communications
  • the arts
  • law

Degrees Available

Degrees in Interdisciplinary & Multidisciplinary Studies are offered at the associate and bachelor’s degree levels.

Taking individual courses as a nondegree student is also possible and will offer you the same range and depth of courses and rigorous standards as matriculated undergraduate students.

Certificates Available

Global Indigenous Knowledge

Popular Concentrations

  • criminal justice by combining:
    • community and human services
    • social science
  • women's health by combining:
    • science, mathematics and technology
    • community and human services
    • human development
    • cultural studies
  • environmental studies by combining:
    • science, mathematics and technology
    • community and human services
    • business, management and economics
    • cultural studies.

    Environmental Studies Concentration guidelines effective Sept. 28, 2016 (PDF 54kB)