Community and Human Services

Study for a degree in community and human services expands your understanding of the relationship between human needs and values and social conditions. You develop analytical and communication skills, as well as the knowledge and expertise to contribute to the development and maintenance of healthy communities, groups and individuals.

Students in this area learn to understand and integrate the four foundations of the discipline: knowledge, skills, attitudes and values; and experience, application and practice. Many faculty mentors in community and human services have had extensive experience in the field in roles ranging from direct service to program evaluation and are available to guide you to meet personal and vocational goals.

Why choose a degree in community and human services?

Students who study community and human services are preparing to:

  • enter or continue in community-service professions
  • further develop their current professional role
  • pursue graduate study  
  • combine their background in nursing or substance-abuse counseling with further education to broaden their knowledge and abilities
  • solve problems interfering with the well-being of individuals, groups and communities
  • manage social-service organizations delivering assistance
  • affect social policy and change
  • teach
  • enter jobs in government
  • assume a policymaking role.

Degrees Available

As a regionally accredited college of the State University of New York, Empire State College offers the following degrees in community and human services:

  • Associate of Arts
  • Associate of Science
  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Science
  • Bachelor of Professional Studies.

Taking individual courses as a nondegree student is also possible and will offer you the same range and depth of courses and rigorous standards as matriculated undergraduate students.

Popular Concentrations

  • children and family services
  • criminal justice services
  • disability services
  • health and human services
  • substance abuse services.

You can focus on a single area such as children and families, or create an interdisciplinary concentration that connects or combines perspectives exploring a theme or topic.