Bachelor of Science degree in Security Studies
Earn your degree in Security Studies from SUNY Empire State College

The Bachelor of Science degree in security studies is a 124-credit program listed with SUNY and approved as a registered degree program through the New York State Education Department. It is designed to serve students currently working in public service, emergency services, law enforcement, and homeland security positions as well as those interested in these career paths. The contemporary security environment is multifaceted and complex. This program addresses that complexity head on by providing coursework in homeland security, research methods and analysis, information security, and a rigorous examination of the social, economic and cultural contexts of security in the United States and internationally. Students will become more effective in their roles within security and related fields.
Students pursuing a bachelor's degree program in security studies must complete the following courses:

Outline of Curriculum Requirement
The B.S. degree program in security studies consists of 13 courses.
The following courses are required:
- PAFF 1005 - Introduction to Security Studies
- PAFF 2005 - Introduction to Homeland Security
- INFT 2020 - Introduction to Digital Crime and Digital Terrorism
- SOSC 3025 - Social Science Research Methods
- POLI 3065 - International Politics & Relations
- INFT 3020 - Cyber Crime and Computer Forensics
- PAFF 4132 - Legal and Ethical Foundations of Public Service
- PAFF 4005 - Counterterrorism in a Changing World
- PAFF 4000 - International Dimensions of Security
- SOCI 4035 - Privacy, Security & Freedom: Social Concerns for the 21st Century
Students must also take a minimum of 3 of the following courses:
- CRJS 3020 - Crime and Intelligence Analysis
- EMGT 3030 - Leadership and Management in Disaster Response
- PAFF 3003 - Security Implications of Global Climate Change
- SOCI 3045 - Disaster and Society
- SOCI 3065 - Perspectives on Terrorism
* Note that some prior learning may substitute for some required courses. Faculty review and approval is required before a substitution can be made.
** Students must also satisfy all other college academic requirements, which include the SUNY General Education requirements and working with a faculty mentor to meet additional program requirements.
Students completing a bachelor’s degree in security studies will have accomplished the following learning objectives:
- Analyze security concerns from various disciplinary perspectives
- Describe the history, roots and enforcement approaches to national and global security
- Employ social science research methods and techniques related to the study of security in various forms
- Evaluate moral and ethical implications of policies intended to address security from social, political, economic, and environmental perspectives
- Analyze the interrelationship between human and natural environments in the contexts of individual and population security
- Evaluate strategies and resources employed by law enforcement personnel nationally and internationally related to physical, infrastructure, and human security
- Evaluate strategies and resources employed to maintain security of information in digital environments.

The curriculum is designed to provide students with foundational courses on which to build courses specific to their interests and needs. The program design is flexible enough to provide students the opportunity to bring in college-level learning obtained through work experience through our prior learning assessment process. Courses are offered online, through independent studies, or through a blended approach. Students will work with a faculty mentor to develop a degree plan that matches their goals.
For requirements and procedures for applying to the program, please see the information for Bachelor's Admissions.

If you would like more information about the security studies program, contact:
Department of Social Sciences and Public Affairs Chair
Nadine Fernandez, Ph.D.
Program Contact
Cathryn Thurston, Ph.D.
Administrative Assistant for the School of Behavioral Sciences