Fall 2020 Full-Time Undergraduate Enrollment: 3,654

Gender: 66.8% female, 27.4% male, 5.8% unreported

Race/ethnicity percentage

American Indian or Alaska Native 0.4%
Asian 2.8%
Black or African American 18.4%
Hispanic/Latino 12.7%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0.3%
Nonresident alien 0.7%
Two or more races 3.7%
Race & ethnicity unknown 7.8%
White 53.2%

Pell Grant Recipients: 54.5%

TAP Grant Recipients: 29.0%

(Data source: Official fall enrollment from SIRIS ESS file)

Degrees Awarded 2019-20 (7-01-19 to 6-30-20)

  Associate Bachelor's
Accounting --- 12
Allied Health --- 6
Business Administration --- 1
Business, Management & Economics 82 642
Community & Human Services 68 416
Cultural Studies 5 105
Educational Studies 26 102
Historical Studies 3 30
Human Development 14 147
Interdisciplinary/Multidisciplinary Studies 105 61
Labor Studies 140 14
Nursing --- 118
Psychology --- 1
Public Affairs --- 52
Science, Math & Technology 82 155
Social Science 3 31
The Arts 7 62
UG Certificates 5  

(Data source: Operational Data Store Academic Outcomes view)

First-Time Full-Time Graduation Rates

Cohort year 2014
150% of Normal Time to Completion for First-time Full-time Undergraduate Students (n=185) by demographics

Overall 27%
Men 26%
Women 27%
Students pursuing bachelor's or equivalent degrees
Nonresident alien 25%
Hispanic/Latino 28%
American Indian or Alaska Native ---
Asian 0.0%
Black or African American 19%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander ---
White 18%
Two or more races 50%
Race & ethnicity unknown 0.0%

Transfer-out Rate: 19%

Cohort year 2014
150% of Normal Time to Completion for First-time Full-time Bachelor's degree-seeking subcohort (n=110) by financial aid status

Pell recipients: 25.6%
Subsidized Loan recipients (no Pell): 45.5%
Neither Pell nor Subsidized Loan: 23.1%

Notes: 150% of normal time to completion is 6 years for bachelor’s degree-seeking students and
3 years for associate degree-seeking students. The college is required to report first-time bachelor’s degree-seeking student retention rates to IPEDS for use on the College Navigator website.

(Data source: IPEDS Graduation Rates survey)

Retention Rates

Degree-seeking Undergraduate students who began in Fall 2019 and returned in Fall 2020
First-time full-time (n=90): 67.8%
First-time part-time (n=89): 64.0%
Transfer full-time (n=847): 58.2%
Transfer part-time (n=673): 60.9%

Note: The retention rates above include all degree-seeking students.

(Data source: SUNY Oracle BI tool)

Graduation Rates - All Entering Degree-Seeking Cohorts

Undergraduate Cohort Outcomes, 6 Years After Initial ESC Enrollment:
Graduation and Retention Rates (PDF 107kB)

Alumni Survey

Baccalaureate Respondents by Employment Status and Top Fields of Employment
Unemployed: 12.1%
Employed: 87.9%
Fields of employment:

Education 14.6%
Business 10.6%
Human services, social work 9.7%
Charitable or non-profit organization 8.1%
Government-non military 7.5%
Computing, information technology, software 7.2%
Nursing, health care 5.6%
Military, police, fire service, security 4.4%
Other 32.4%

Baccalaureate Respondents who are Currently Pursuing or Plan to Pursue a Master's Degree or Higher Credential

Yes: 71.6%
No: 28.4%

(Data source: SUNY Empire State College Undergraduate Alumni Survey - Baccalaureate graduates from 11/2016 to 10/2018, n=381)