Welcome to the Center for Mentoring, Learning and Academic Innovation

The Center for Mentoring, Learning and Academic Innovation (CMLAI) supports faculty, administrators and professional employees in broadening their knowledge, deepening their understanding and strengthening their practice. Through supporting ongoing development and renewal in scholarship and practice, gathering and disseminating information, and supporting dialogue and collaboration, CMLAI works to support a real learning community at SUNY Empire State College.

CMLAI offers workshops and events around the college; posts information about faculty/professional development opportunities; provides forums for sharing questions, ideas, projects and approaches related to both practice and scholarship on teaching and learning; and delivers collegewide orientation for new faculty and administrators. CMLAI works to share materials, coordinate efforts and support collaboration across the college related to mentoring and teaching, and to research.

Faculty and staff may access CMLAI's SharePoint site here. (Students, if you have mentoring questions, please visit 1 Stop Student Services.)