The Academy for Lifelong Learning is carefully monitoring the COVID-19 corona virus and notifying members of updates as events unfold. Our host, SUNY Empire State College is taking proactive measures to protect the safety and security of students, faculty, and staff. For questions, please call Academy staff at (518) 587-2100, Jeff Shinaman x2390, or Lora Brown x2415.

Special Interest Groups

Special interest groups (SIGs) offer a way to pursue extracurricular interests with like minded members of A.L.L. SIGs are organized and run by their members, independently of the A.L.L. office, and must have a coordinator, who is responsible for providing the Membership Committee with a member list. Members of a SIG decide when and where they will meet.

SIGs build on A.L.L.'s existing programs and may not compete with study groups being offered by A.L.L. They are open to all current members of A.L.L. The Membership Committee oversees the SIGs.

Why have SIG?

  • as a membership benefit to attract new and help retain existing members
  • as a means of providing additional opportunities for lifelong learning
  • as a way of fostering the fellowship of peers

How are SIGs formed?

  • an application for a new SIG is submitted to the Membership Committee by interested members with their topic and a coordinator for the group
  • SIGs fall under the responsibility of the Membership Committee
  • SIGs are member–driven, not staff-driven

How are SIGs publicized?

  • SIG are listed on the A.L.L. website
  • SIG announcements are printed the A.L.L. newsletter "A.L.L The News"
  • by word of mouth
  • sign-ups at fall and spring term-kick-off luncheons

How do SIGs relate to other A.L.L. programs?

  • SIGs are interest groups and not for instruction
  • SIGs enhance existing programs, but do not compete
  • SIGs may grow out of A.L.L. classes (genealogy, conversational French)
  • SIGs may suggest possible classes, or other programs or lectures to A.L.L


  • Each SIG is required to be responsible for recruiting participants and any publicity, correspondence, e-mails etc for this purpose.
  • Neither A.L.L. staff nor the Membership Committee will be able to devote any time for this.
  • Once established, SIGs must be self reliant.

Operation of SIGs

  • SIGs are open to all current A.L.L. members
  • Visitors are welcome for one session, if it is cleared with the coordinator to ensure that space is available. Membership brochures and application forms should be given to visitors.
  • Commercial or professional solicitation for services or products shall not be permitted at SIG meetings.
  • a sign-in sheet should be used at each meeting. These should be retained by the coordinator and be made available to the Membership Committee upon request.
  • each SIG coordinator is to inform Membership on the activities and the status of the SIG at the beginning of each term.

A listing of A.L.L. SIGs.