The Academy for Lifelong Learning is carefully monitoring the COVID-19 corona virus and notifying members of updates as events unfold. Our host, SUNY Empire State College is taking proactive measures to protect the safety and security of students, faculty, and staff. For questions, please call Academy staff at (518) 587-2100, Jeff Shinaman x2390, or Lora Brown x2415.

A.L.L. Annual Fund Drive

Part of the Academy’s annual revenue is dependent on the generosity of Academy members and friends. You may contribute using the fall and spring class registration forms and by responding to letters sent to you in the fall and spring. There are three funds you can contribute to: the endowment fund, general fund and the scholarship fund. The endowment fund is to expand the capacity and financial stability of A.L.L. The general fund supports the annual operating budget of A.L.L. The scholarship fund provides membership fees to individuals with limited financial means, who would otherwise be unable to participate in the Academy program.

It is our hope that all members and A.L.L. friends in a position to do so will make contributions to the fund drive each year. For those wishing to be recognized, a list of contributors appears in an issue of A.L.L.'s newsletter "A.L.L. the News."

Also, please consider making a difference that will serve others through your legacy by making a bequest to the Academy for Lifelong Learning at Saratoga Springs in your will. Please also consider suggesting to those wishing to offer remembrances to direct them to the Academy.

Thank you for your consideration.

Contributor Levels

($500 AND UP)

($250 - $499)

($100 - $249)

($75 - $99)

($50 - $74)

(Up to $49)