Application Essay — Associate and Bachelor's Admissions

The flexible and individualized learning aspects of Empire State College's programs require students to use and improve their reading and writing skills continually as they study at the college. In order to be successful from the beginning, students need to start with sufficient reading and writing skills.

The quality of your essay will determine your admission to the college.

Your essay will be evaluated on the following areas:

  • how well you answer the essay prompt below
  • how well you organize and develop your ideas
  • grammar, spelling and vocabulary.

Remember to proofread your essay before you submit it.

Application Essay Prompt

In a typed essay of at least 300 words, please describe:

  • why you are applying to SUNY Empire State College
  • what you hope to study, and how earning a degree in that field of study will help you achieve your personal and professional goals, and
  • what strengths and experiences (educational, employment, community and personal background) you possess that will help make you a successful student at SUNY Empire State College.

RN to BSN Essay Prompt

In an essay of at least 300 words, please describe:

  1. how earning a higher degree in nursing will help you achieve your personal and professional goals,
  2. ways you would like to personalize your learning while engaging in the degree requirements to achieve your goals,
  3. your strengths and experiences (educational, employment, community and personal background) that will make you a successful student in our learning environment.

Harry Van Arsdale Jr. School for Labor Studies Essay Prompt

In a typed essay of at least 300 words write a response to either A or B:

(A) “Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else.” (James M. Barrie)
Write an essay in support of the above passage by Barrie. Make a clear point and then explain and illustrate your answer with your own experiences, observations or readings.

(B) “Get happiness out of your work or you may never know what happiness is.” (Elbert Hubbard)
Write an essay in support of the above passage, by Hubbard. Make a clear point and then explain and illustrate your answer with your own experiences, observations or readings.

Empire Opportunity Program Essay Prompt

In an essay of at least 300 words, please describe: 

  • Why you are applying to the SUNY Empire State College Educational Opportunity Program 
  • How will the SUNY Empire State College Educational Opportunity Program improve your academic experience?

The essay will be evaluated on the following areas: 

  • How well the questions are answered 
  • How well the students ideas are organized and developed  
  • Grammar, spelling, and vocabulary