OAA Organization Chart Text Version

Description of OAA Organization Chart

Acting Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Tai Arnold

  • Executive Assistant to the Provost Vacant
  • Secretary II Debra Schubert
  • Director of Academic Planning Patricia Pillsworth
  • Academic Projects Specialist Eric Strattman
  • Interim Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Frank VanderValk
    • Dean, School of Arts and Humanities, Nicola Allain
    • Dean, School of Business, Julie Gedro
    • Dean, School of Human Services, Desalyn De-Souza
    • Dean, School of Science, Mathematics and Technology, Mary Mawn
    • Interim Dean, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Gina Torino
    • Interim Executive Director SUNY Empire Online, Christine Paige
    • Director, Office of Prior Learning Tom McElroy
    • Faculty Associate for Outcomes Assessment Sandra Winn
  • Acting Vice Provost for Student Success Seana Logsdon
    • College Registrar Pam Enser
    • Director of Academic Support Services Vacant
    • Director of Student Life Title IX Coordinator Kerianne Silver 
    • Empire Opportunity Program Director Dana Brown
    • Director  UG  Student Academic Services and Success Carl Burkart
    • Asst Director Student Success Initiatives Ashley Mason
  • Dean of School for Graduate Studies, Brian V. Carolan
  • Dean of School of Nursing and Allied Health Kim Stote
  • Executive Director of International Education Francesca Cichello
  • Executive Director of Institutional Effectiveness Planning Eileen McDonnel
  • Director, Center for Leadership in Credentialing Learning Nan Travers
  • Director, Office of Sponsored Programs Emily Behnke