PRODiG Subcommittees

Along with the SUNY Empire State College PRODiG Steering Committee, the three PRODiG subcommittees - PRODiG Recruitment and Hiring Committee, PRODiG Pathways to Academia/Pipeline Committee, PRODiG Faculty Retention Committee, and affiliated Women in STEM (WiSTEM) Group  - work to promote the SUNY PRODiG initiative at the college.

 PRODiG Subcommittees

SUNY Empire PRODiG Recruitment and Hiring Committee 

This committee is charged with identifying various stages in the recruitment process where we could improve our processes and create a better experience for candidates and those participating in searches: long term planning for faculty hiring; improved language for position descriptions; development of better strategies for placement of advertisements for faculty positions; establishment of guidelines for composition of search committees; improved search committee training; ensuring a positive experience for candidates during the search process; and improving post-interview processes. The subcommittee meets the 4th Thursday of the month at 1:30-2:30 p.m. (Sept. 23, Oct. 28, Nov. 18 (2-3pm), Jan. 27, Feb. 24, Mar. 24, Apr. 28, May 26, June 23).

Co-Chair: Jelia Domingo, Faculty School for Graduate Studies-Education

Co-Chair: Audeliz Matias, Interim Chief Diversity Officer

Eileen Angelini, Associate Dean School for Graduate Studies

Lindsey Clark, Communications Manager and Copywriter

Malaika Edwards, Faculty at School for Undergraduate Studies - Business

Mary Mawn, Dean School of Science, Mathematics and Technology

Tanya Scime, Talent management Associate

Kim Stote, Dean School of Nursing and Allied Health

Jalisa Williams, Assistant Vice President of Human Resources

SUNY Empire PRODiG Pathways to Academia/Pipeline Committee

The committee is charged with helping to create a pipeline of students from underrepresented backgrounds into graduate school and eventually the SUNY faculty. The committee will initially focus on two initiatives: connecting SUNY Empire students with existing pipeline programs and developing a SUNY Empire Scholars program for promising students from under representative backgrounds. The subcommittee meets every other month on the 3rdWednesday at 1:30-2:30pm (Sept. 15, Nov. 17, Jan. 12, Mar. 16, May 18).

Co-Chair: Tina Wagle, Faculty School for Graduate Studies - Education

Co-Chair: Alejandro Galindo, Academic Programming Coordinator

Anita Brown, Career Development Coordinator

Dana Brown, Senior Director of Enrichment and Opportunity Programs

Erica Chew, Outreach and Academic Advisement Coordinator School for Graduate Studies

Audeliz Matias, Interim Chief Diversity Officer

Nadine Wedderburn, Faculty School for Undergraduate Studies – Social & Behavioral Sciences

Winnie Yu, Director of Internal Communications and Government Relations

SUNY Empire PRODiG Faculty Retention Committee

This committee is charged with conducting training related to issues at every stage of the promotion and tenure process, professional development and group mentoring plans. The committee is also looking into establishing a reading group that would discuss topical readings with the possibility of creating webinars through the college's Center for Mentoring, Learning and Academic Innovation (CMLAI) or another source that could be open to the larger community. The committee discussed ways in which they could get more diverse candidates to apply for the Scholars Across the College and ideas for continued training opportunities partnering with human resources and the new training director. The subcommittee meets the 3rd Thursday of the month at 1:00-2:00pm (Sept. 16, Oct. 21, Nov. 18, Dec. 16, Jan. 20, Feb. 17, Mar. 17, Apr. 21, May 19, June 16).


Co-Chair: Frank Vander Valk, Interim Vice Provost for Academic Affairs 

Co-Chair: Patricia Isaac, Faculty at the School for Graduate Studies - Education

Deb Amory, Faculty School for Undergraduate Studies – Social & Behavioral Sciences

Frances Boyce, Presidential Fellow for DEI and Faculty at the School for Undergraduate Studies - Business

Shantih Clemens, Director, Center for Mentoring, Learning and Academic Innovation 

Cherie Haughney, Director of Internal Communications, Copywriter and Interim Director of Communications

Audeliz Matias, Interim Chief Diversity Officer

Dianne Ramdeholl, Faculty School for Graduate Studies – Education

Margaret (Peggy) Tally, Faculty School for Graduate Studies – Social and Public Policy

Jalisa Williams, Assistant Vice President of Human Resources

The SUNY Empire Women in STEM (WiSTEM) is an organization of women faculty with academic backgrounds in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) at SUNY Empire State College that aim to empower women in STEM by promoting gender equality and work-life balance, and providing support to achieve their highest potential. Through their initiatives, WiSTEM aspires to increase the visibility of women in STEM and to foster community between those interested in women's issues in STEM. Additionally, the group hopes to inspire and encourage women to pursue STEM programs at SUNY Empire and broaden students' horizons, so that they can also make positive impact in their professional career.