SUNY Empire State College Awards and Honors

SUNY Empire State College Foundation Awards

Eligibility and Criteria

Full-time faculty who have been mentors for at least two years are eligible with the following criteria:

  • Superb performance in the areas of teaching, student advising, scholarship and services to the college.
  • Evidence of flexible instructional policy, mastery of teaching methods and the ability to work with students from a variety of backgrounds and academic preparations, involving them in degree program design.
  • Broad-ranged scholar current in his/her field who uses contemporary data in teaching, sets high standards for students.
  • Ability to be critical and fair in evaluating students’ work, placing greater weight on final level of competence than on performance.

Nomination forms (login required)


(Award consolidating categories Student Advisement and Teaching)

  • 1987: Tom Dehner
  • 1988-89: Karen Pass
  • 1990: Wendy Goulston
  • 1991: Richard Bonnabeau
  • 1992: Marlene Herr
  • 1993: James Robinson
  • 1994: Wayne Willis
  • 1995: Fernand Brunschwig
  • 1996: Otolorin Jones
  • 1997: Shirley Ariker
  • 1998: Susan Oaks
  • 1999: Peggy Meerse
  • 2000: Alan Mandell
  • 2001: Sylvain Nagler
  • 2002: Elaine Handley
  • 2003: Duncan RyanMann
  • 2004: Xenia Coulter 
  • 2005: Barbara Kantz 
  • 2006: Chris Rounds
  • 2007: Adele Anderson
  • 2008: Betty Wilde-Biasiny
  • 2009: Rebecca Fraser
  • 2010: Judy Gerardi
  • 2011: Ronnie Mather
  • 2012: Marina Privman
  • 2013: Cynthia Bates
  • 2014: Frances Mercer
  • 2015: Gregory Edwards
  • 2016: Patricia Isaac
  • 2017: Anant Desphande
  • 2018: Deborah Smith
  • 2019: Teresa Smith
  • 2020: Ann Becker
  • 2021: Kevin Woo

Eligibility and Criteria

Part-time faculty who have been mentors for at least two years are eligible with the following criteria:

  • Superb performance in the areas of teaching, student advising, scholarship and services to the college.
  • Evidence of flexible instructional policy, mastery of teaching methods and the ability to work with students from a variety of backgrounds and academic preparations, involving them in degree program design.
  • Broad-ranged scholar current in his/her field who uses contemporary data in teaching, sets high standards for students.
  • Ability to be critical and fair in evaluating students’ work, placing greater weight on final level of competence than on performance.

Nomination forms (login required)


(New award starting in 1991)

  • 1991: Mark Hessler
  • 1992: Patricia Ross
  • 1993: Catherine McAllister
  • 1994: William McClary
  • 1995: Carole Southwood
  • 1996: Frieda Mendelsohn
  • 1997: Andrew DiNitto
  • 1998: Janet Egan
  • 1999: Paul Trela
  • 2000: Matthew Schmidt
  • 2001: Barbara Pollock
  • 2002: Cynthia Krendl
  • 2003: Ray Conjeski 
  • 2004: Eva Ash 
  • 2005: Robyn Silverman 
  • 2006: Janet Bachant
  • 2007: Roselynn Dow
  • 2008: David Fullard
  • 2009: Marie Pennucci
  • 2010: David Starr-Glass
  • 2011: Deborah Holler
  • 2012: Hartley Hutchins
  • 2013: Paul Miller
  • 2014: Alan Stankiewicz
  • 2015: Heidi Nightengale
  • 2016: Mindy Kronenberg
  • 2017: Robert Wasserlauf
  • 2018: David Andersen
  • 2019: Mary Ann Borden
  • 2020: Frances Boyce
  • 2021: Kate Dermody

Eligibility and Criteria

(2 can be picked)  Professional employees with at least two years of continuous professional service (President’s Council and Cabinet members are not eligible) and at least one year in their present position prior to nomination, with more than 50% of their current assignment in non-teaching services are eligible with the following criteria:

  • Superb performance in fulfilling the duties in the job description.
  • Demonstrated flexibility and adaptability to instructional needs.
  • Excellence in the areas of innovative leadership, decision-making and problem solving.
  • Professional recognition, initiation of ideas or development of proposals for improving effectiveness.

Nomination forms (login required)


  • 1984: Raymond Lynch
  • 1985: Loralee Montague
  • 1986: Carolyn Williams
  • 1987: Peggy Craft
  • 1988-89: Mercedes Barry
  • 1990: Patricia Bartscherer
  • 1991: Lois Cram
  • 1992: Lloyd Woodcock
  • 1993: Joyce Haines
  • 1994: Sharon Grigsby
  • 1995: Linda Ryan
  • 1996: Edward Saueracker
  • 1997: Robert Perilli
  • 1998: Ann Loughman
  • 1999: Carol Mulcahy
  • 2000: Larry Greenberg
  • 2001: Eileen Corrigan
  • 2002: Marlene Weiler
  • 2003: Barbara Clarke
  • 2004: Janet Ostrov 
  • 2005: Kathleen Egan 
  • 2006: Linda Frank
  • 2007: Kathy Farrell
  • 2008: Kelly Hermann
  • 2009: Audrey Lynch
  • 2010: Bernard Smith
  • 2011: Timothy Cosgriff
  • 2012: Michael Mancini
  • 2013: Colleen Reedy
  • 2014: Mindy Boenning
    2014: Susan McFadden (2 winners)
  • 2015: Patricia Ryan
    2015: Kenneth Meiklejohn(2 winners)
  • 2016: John Johnsen
    2016: Laurie Seamans (2 winners)
  • 2017: Amy Giaculli
    2017: Allison Brust (2 winners)
  • 2018: Joseph King
    2018: Suzanne Orrell (2 winners)
  • 2019: Karen LaBarge
    2019: Peter Pociluyko (2 winners)
  • 2020: Anjeanette Emeka
    2020: Sarah Morehouse (2 winners)
  • 2021: Lindy Godlewski
  • 2021: David Puskas (2 winners)

Eligibility and Criteria

(2 can be picked) Support services employees who have completed at least two years of continuous service with service in their present position for at least one year prior to nomination are eligible with the following criteria:

  • Superb performance in fulfilling the duties in the job description.
  • Demonstrated flexibility and adaptability to institutional needs.
  • Excellence in the areas of innovative leadership, decision-making and problem solving.
  • Initiation of ideas or development of proposals for improving effectiveness.

Nomination forms (login required)


  • 1982: Janet Jones
  • 1983: Constance Wells
  • 1984: Beverly Rivera-Solfaro
  • 1985: Linda Butler
  • 1986: Teri McCarthy
  • 1987: Patti Verhagen
  • 1988-89: Jean Carpenter
  • 1990: Judith Dober
  • 1991: Myla Martin
  • 1992: Rita Kelly
  • 1993: Daisy Harris
  • 1994: Norine Batting
  • 1995: Evelyn Freeman
  • 1996: Dianne Horan
  • 1997: Linda Vollmer
  • 1998: Debra Clark
  • 1999: Ruth Andrew
  • 2000: Theresa Morgan
  • 2001: Kathy McCullagh-Pauszek
  • 2002: Cindy Urban
  • 2003: Tony Costa 
  • 2004: Laurie Sheer 
  • 2005: Robin Oliver 
  • 2006: Diane Gleason
  • 2007: Carmen Ovalles
  • 2008: Debra Bonamassa
  • 2009: Laura Wait
  • 2010: Carol Petrie
  • 2011: Patti Pierce
  • 2012: Paula Barber
  • 2013: Pamela Bock
  • 2014: Karen McCrea
  • 2015: Roe Liedke
  • 2016: Jeannine McCanney
  • 2017: Dennis Greenleaf
    2017: Katherine Lytle (2 winners)
  • 2018: Bessie Walker
    2018: Rose Stevens (2 winners)
  • 2019: Heather Gaebel
    2019: Robin Oliver (2 winners)
  • 2020: Darlene Dow
    2020: Lori Wetmore (2 winners)
  • 2021: Sheree Martinelli
  • 2021: Maria Tozzi (2 winners)

The Altes Prize is given to faculty to recognize outstanding community service rendered by SUNY Empire faculty and, by example, to encourage other faculty to undertake such efforts.  Occasionally, this award can also be awarded to other members of the SUNY Empire community: students, alumni, staff and members of boards and councils to recognize superlative community contributions.  Nominations should consist of a one-to-three-page description of the nominee's service, its impact and the rationale for nominating this person. Names and telephone numbers of at least two individuals in the community who may, at the selection committee’s discretion, be contacted to learn firsthand about the nominee’s work should be included. Supporting materials (e.g., newspaper articles, organizational programs, products) illustrating the nominee's work are welcome, though not required. Community service is defined in the broadest way possible and may, for example, include activities in the arts, science, business and labor, and disciplinary and professional practice, as well as human services. Special consideration will be given to faculty who bring to bear their particular academic expertise in addressing community needs and problems.

The recipient of the Altes Prize will receive a cash award to be used without restriction. A community reception will be held at a later date to recognize his/her service.  The prize is named for Dr. Jane Altes, former vice president of academic affairs and interim president of the college, and is made possible by an endowment in the SUNY Empire College Foundation established through her generosity.

Nomination forms (login required)


  • 2002: David DuBois
  • 2003: Reed Coughlan
  • 2004: Karen Pass
  • 2005: Lorraine Peeler
  • 2006: Joanne Corsica
  • 2007: Joyce McKnight
  • 2008: Lear Matthews
  • 2009: Julie Gedro
  • 2010: Heidi Nightengale
  • 2011: Sheila Aird
  • 2012: Mary Guadron
  • 2013: (2 winners): Desalyn De-Souza and Peggy Lynn
  • 2014: Catherine Collins
  • 2015: Amanda Sisselman
  • 2016: Bidhan Chandra
  • 2017: Donna Gaines
  • 2018: Tanweer Ali
  • 2019: Jacqui Berger
  • 2020: David Gechlik
  • 2021: Heather Reynolds

The Hall Award for Innovation is given to a college employee/s who creates, or puts into effect, an innovation that advances SUNY Empire’s mission and benefits the college’s students.  The award shall be given only when there is a clear example of a significant contribution to innovation. The Hall Award for Innovation will consist of a citation and a cash prize.  The innovation must promote SUNY Empire’s mission, either through the removal of educational or procedural barriers, or through the enrichment of students’ participation in the college’s academic program or delivery systems.  The innovation must be a specific product or change in the design of how students engage with the college. It may be small, but must be significant and replicable. It is not simply an attitude of helpfulness; it must have measurable results.  Nominated individuals need not have implemented the innovation singlehandedly, but must clearly be a significant force in the creation and/or implementation of the change.  The award may be made to any employee, at any level, of the organization.  By its nature, innovation cannot be easily defined. However, examples of areas for innovation might include new academic programs for new audiences; the adaptation or improvement of an existing academic program for expanded audiences; new academic delivery models; changes in processes that may include financial aid, billing, admissions, the college bookstore or print shop and others; changes in center practices in areas such as information sessions, orientations or assessment; new or expanded innovations in technology to support students’ learning and research; and many others that can only be defined by the innovation itself.

This award is made possible by an endowment in the Empire State College Foundation established through the generosity of founding President James W. Hall and his wife, Mary Elizabeth Hall.

Nomination forms (login required)


  • 2008: Lucy Winner & Katt Lissard
  • 2009: Maureen Winney & David White
  • 2010: Craig Lamb
  • 2011: Frank Vander Valk
  • 2012: None given
  • 2013: Betty Hurley-Dasgupta
  • 2014: Susan Oaks
  • 2015: Rhianna Rogers
  • 2016: (3 member of team) Carl Burkart, Brett Sherman and Stephen Simon
  • 2017: Rebecca Fraser
  • 2018: Janet Aiello-Cerio
  • 2019: Eileen O’Connor
  • 2020: Thalia MacMillan
  • 2021: Lisa D'Adamo-Weinstein, Cynthia Bates, Rhianna Rogers


  • 1990-1991: Bob Seidel (GVC)
  • 1991-1992: Richard Bonnabeau (CIP)
  • 1991-1992: Bob Milton (GVC)
  • 1992-1993: Mel Rosenthal (Metro)
  • 1993-1994: Lucy Winner (Metro)
  • 1994-1995: David Wilson
  • 1994-1995: Peter Murphy
  • 1995-1996: Roy Speckhard (NEC)
  • 1995-1996: Jim Wunsch (Metro)
  • 1998-1999: Bob Seidel (GVC)
  • 2005-2006: Reed Coughlan (CNY)
  • 2006-2007: Beverly Smirni (Metro)
  • 2007-2008: KD Eaglefeathers (LIC)
  • 2010-2011: Justin Giordano (Metro)
  • 2011-2012: Julie Gedro (CNY)
  • 2013-2014: Yvonne Murphy (CNY)
  • 2014-2015: Ruth Goldberg (Metro)
  • 2015-2016: Susan Forbes (NFC)
  • 2016-2017: Rebecca Bonanno (SUNY Empire Online)
  • 2017-2018: Susan McConnaughy (Hartsdale)
  • 2018-2019: Lorraine Lander (Canandaigua)
  • 2019-2020: Elaine Handley (Saratoga Springs)
  • 2020-2021: Eric Ball (Saratoga Springs)


  • 2000-2001: Barbara Kantz (LIC)
  • 2000-2001: Mel Rosenthal (Metro)
  • 2001-2002: Paul Pasquaretta (HVC/LI)
  • 2001-2002: Herb Shapiro (GVC)
  • 2002-2003: Brian Koberlein (GVC)
  • 2002-2003: Tom Grunfeld (Metro)
  • 2003-2004: MaryNell Morgan (NEC)
  • 2003-2004: Roger Keeran (Grad)
  • 2004-2005: Yvonne Murphy (LIC)
  • 2004–2005: Ed Warzala (GVC)
  • 2005-2006: Cathy Davison (NEC)
  • 2005-2006: Jim Robinson (LIC)
  • 2006-2007: Bidhan Chandra (CDL)
  • 2006-2007: Deborah Smith (CDL)
  • 2007-2008: Elaine Handley (NEC)
  • 2007-2008: Justin Giordano (Metro)
  • 2008-2009: John Lawless (CNYC)
  • 2008-2009: Eric Zencey (IP/Grad)
  • 2009-2010: Wayne Willis (GVC)
  • 2009-2010: Mike Andolina (NEC)
  • 2010-2011: David Starr-Glass (IP)
  • 2010-2011: Nazik Roufaiel (CDL)
  • 2011-2012: Ruth Goldberg (Metro)
  • 2011-2012: Jill Hamberg (Metro)
  • 2011-2012: Nadine Fernandez (CNYC)
  • 2011-2012: Mark Abendroth (Grad)
  • 2012-2013: Karen Garner (NEC)
  • 2012-2013: Bob Congemi (NEC)
  • 2013-2014: Lorraine Lander (GVC)
  • 2013-2014: Susan Hollis (GVC)
  • 2014-2015: Al Lawrence (CDL)
  • 2014-2015: Gayle Stever (GVC)
  • 2015-2016: Julie Shaw (CDL)
  • 2015-2016: Margaret Clark-Plaskie (GVC)
  • 2016-2017: Desalyn De-Souza (Syracuse); Kim Stote (SUNY Empire Online); Dana Gliserman Kopans (SUNY Empire Online)
  • 2017-2018: Himanee Gupta-Carlson (SUNY Empire Online); Jenny Mincin (Staten Island)
  • 2018-2019: Nadine Wedderburn (Schenectady); Cindy Conaway (Manhattan) and Diane Shichtman (Saratoga Springs)
  • 2019-2020: Ian Reifowitz (Old Westbury); Deborah Smith (Saratoga Springs)
  • 2020-2021: Ann Becker (Selden) and Nadine Fernandez (Syracuse)

Eligibility and Criteria

Faculty or professional employees holding concurrent academic rank with half time or greater appointments, who has at least two years of continuous service and has a substantial record of presentations and published scholarships are eligible with the following criteria:

  • Evidence of significant and widely recognized scholarly or creative achievement undertaken while employed at Empire State College.
  • Quality of the work and individual merit are the primary basis for selection.
  • The work should be of such high quality that its publication or presentation significantly enhances the academic reputation of both the faculty member and the college.
  • Other considerations include a reasonable distribution in number between recipients among the several broad divisions of human knowledge and, only when other things are equal, seniority in academic rank or length of service at the college.

Nomination forms (login required) 


(Until 1983 it was called Award for Faculty Lectureship. In 1999, it was named after Susan H. Turben '72, 'honorary '05, the second graduate of the college.)

  • 1979: Nicholas Cushner
  • 1980: George Dawson
  • 1981: Lois Hood
  • 1982: Mark Goldman
  • 1983: Bernard Flynn
  • 1984: Robert MacCameron
  • 1985: Mel Rosenthal
  • 1986: Dan Georgakas
  • 1987: Barbarie Rothstein
  • 1988-89: Carole Turbin
  • 1990: John Strozier
  • 1991: Regina Grol-Prokopczyk
  • 1992: LeGrace Benson
  • 1993: Thelma Jurgrau
  • 1994: Robert Hassenger
  • 1995: A. Tomasz Grunfeld
  • 1996: Isaac Rabino
  • 1997: Marc Cirigliano
  • 1998: Clark Everling
  • 1999: Reed Coughlan 
  • 2000: Wayne Ouderkirk
  • 2001: Michael Andolina
  • 2002: Margaret Tally
  • 2003: Elana Michelson
  • 2004: Alan Belasen 
  • 2006: Susan Hollis
  • 2007: Yvonne Murphy
  • 2008: Eric Ball
  • 2009: Ian Reifowitz
  • 2010: Nataly Tcherepashenets
  • 2011: Karen Garner
  • 2012: Gohar Marikyan
  • 2013: Julie Gedro
  • 2014: Nadine Fernandez
  • 2015: Roxana Toma
  • 2016: Julia Shaw
  • 2017: Gayle Stever
  • 2018: Richard Wells
  • 2019: Rebecca Bonanno
  • 2020: Jason Russell
  • 2021: Dianne Ramdeholl

The Turben Chair in Mentoring is awarded each year to an Empire State College faculty member who demonstrates the capacity to advance scholarship and best practice in mentoring. The Turben Chair was created to promote excellence in mentoring as the primary relationship between the college’s adult students and faculty working together in person and online. Appointment as Turben Chair is accompanied by a .50 reduction in teaching load, a stipend and funds for research and dissemination of the outcomes of the project. ​

Nomination forms (login required)

Eligibility and Criteria

  • The award may be awarded to any SUNY Empire faculty member with the potential to make a significant contribution to the theory, research and practice of mentoring. Both experienced and newer faculty are eligible to be appointed as Turben chair.​
  • Nominations (self-nominations are accepted) should be sent to by Feb. 19, 2021.
  • Documentation should include a statement about the suggested recipient's qualifications and likely emphasis of activities as Turben Chair, a vita or summary of professional and scholarly accomplishments and letters of support from the proposed recipient's dean/associate dean and other appropriate colleagues. The statement should address the purposes of the award.


  • 2008: Alan Mandell
  • 2009: Susan Oaks
  • 2010: Cathy Davison
  • 2011: Elana Michelson
  • 2012: Reed Coughlan
  • 2013: Lorraine Lander
  • 2014: Cynthia Bates
  • 2015: Frank Vander Valk
  • 2016: Dee Britton
  • 2017: Desalyn De-Souza
  • 2018: Linda Jones
  • 2019: Tina Wagle
  • 2020: Gohar Marikyan
  • 2021: Tom Mackey

State University of New York Chancellor’s Awards


  • 1982: Tim Lehmann, SGS
  • 1991: Alan Mandell, MC
  • 1992: Anne Bertholf, NFC
  • 1993: Cammie Baker-Clancy, SGS
  • 2006: Nicola Martinez, CDL
  • 2008: Suzanne Hayes, Coordinating Center
  • 2011: Craig Lamb, CDL
  • 2012: David Caso, CDL
  • 2012: Margaret Mary Schultz, NFC
  • 2013: Lisa D’Adamo-Weinstein, NEC
  • 2013: Bernard Smith, CDL
  • 2014: Not Given
  • 2015: Leigh Yannuzzi, SGS
  • 2016: Not Given
  • 2017: Not Given
  • 2018: David Puskas
  • 2018: Seana Logsdon
  • 2018: Tom McElroy
  • 2019: Adam Cross
  • 2020: Mary Austin
  • 2020: Joe King
  • 2020: Susan McFadden
  • 2021: Christine Paige
  • 2021: Brett Sherman
  • 2021: Kirstie Szlasa


  • 1974: Patricia Lefor, CDL
  • 1975: Rhoada Wald, LIC
  • 1976: Elizabeth Steltenpohl
  • 1977: Jeanne Brockmann, NFC
  • 1977: John Burke
  • 1977: Laurence Lipsett, LIC
  • 1980: Robert Seidel, GVC
  • 1981: John Spissinger, NEC
  • 1981: Timothy Lehmann
  • 1982: Margaret Spanos, Watertown Unit, CNYC
  • 1989: Louvan Wood, NFC
  • 1989: Laralee Montague
  • 1989: Frederic Mayo
  • 1990: Reed Coughlan, CNYC
  • 1990: Jeff Weiss, SGS
  • 1990: Nancy Bunch
  • 1991: Tom Dehner, CDL
  • 1991: Betty Lawrence, CDL
  • 1992: Sylvain Nagler, NEC
  • 1994: Lee Herman, CNYC
  • 1994: Evelyn Wells, CIP
  • 1996: Carolyn Broadaway, NEC
  • 1996: Xenia Coulter, CIP
  • 1997: Bruce Hilyard, Batavia Unit, GVC
  • 2000: Susan Oaks, CDL
  • 2000: Chris Rounds, Binghamton Unit, CNYC
  • 2001: Alan Mandell, MC
  • 2011: Elaine Handley, NEC
  • 2012: Ivan Ivanov, LIC
  • 2013: Cynthia Bates, NEC
  • 2014: Not Given
  • 2015: Linda S. Jones, NEC
  • 2016: Duncan RyanMann, NEC
  • 2017: Not Given
  • 2018: Margaret Tally
  • 2018: Rhianna Rogers
  • 2019: Not Given
  • 2020: Dee Britton
  • 2020: Gregory Edwards
  • 2021: Tina Wagle


  • 2008: Tina Wagle, NFC
  • 2010: Phillip Ortiz, CDL
  • 2012: Albert Lawrence, CDL
  • 2013: Carol Carnevale, CDL
  • 2014: Not Given
  • 2015: Not Given
  • 2016: Anastasia Pratt, NEC
  • 2017: Thalia MacMillan
  • 2017: Audeliz Matias
  • 2018: Not Given
  • 2019: Patricia Isaac
  • 2020: Teresa Smith
  • 2021: Not Given


  • 2011: Karen Garner, NEC
  • 2011: Yvonne Murphy, CNYC
  • 2014: Ian Reifowitz, LIC
  • 2014: Julie Gedro, CNYC
  • 2015: Alan Belasen, SGS
  • 2015: Nadine Fernandez, CNYC
  • 2016: Sewon Kim, NEC
  • 2017: Not Given
  • 2018: Not Given
  • 2019: Not Given
  • 2020: Valeri Chukhlomin
  • 2021: Jason Russell


  • 2016: Mitchell Wood
  • 2017: Not Given
  • 2018: Not Given
  • 2019: Not Given
  • 2020: Katherine Spaulding (Labor)
  • 2021: Fran Chambers


  • 1990: Robert Seidel, Distinguished Teaching Professor, GVC
  • 1990: Keith Elkins, Distinguished Service Professor
  • 1992: Timothy Lehmann, Distinguished Service Professor
  • 2000: Mel Rosenthal, Distinguished Teaching Professor, Metro Center
  • 2001: Tom Grunfeld, Distinguished Teaching Professor, Metro Center
  • 2004: Isaac Rabino, Distinguished Service Professor, Metro Center
  • 2006: Reed Coughlan, Distinguished Teaching Professor, CNYC
  • 2019: Margaret (Peggy) Tally, Distinguished Teaching Professor, School for Graduate Studies
  • 2020: Alan Mandell Distinguished Service Professor, Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • 2021: Elaine Handley Distinguished Teaching Professor, Arts and Humanities
  • 2021: Ian Reifowitz Distinguished Professor, Arts and Humanities


  • 2010: Cindy Urban
  • 2011: Carol Ouellette, Coordinating Center
  • 2012: Sharon Martin, Metropolitan Center
  • 2013: Chuck Crawford, Coordinating Center
  • 2014: Terri Carter, HVC
  • 2015: Lori Luse, CDL
  • 2016: Sarah Rose, NEC
  • 2017: Deborah Shufelt
  • 2018: Debra Schubert
  • 2019: Kara Loy
  • 2020: Not Given
  • 2021: Leslie Dussault

Other Awards

SUNY Empire State College Recipients

  • 2008-2009: A. Tom Grunfeld (Metro): “U.S. Social and Political History”
  • 2012-2013: Kim Stote (CDL): “The Effect of Berry Consumption in Human Health”
  • 2014-2015: Karen Garner (NEC): “Collaborating with Gender Studies Scholars in Hungary”
  • 2014-2015: Christina Ziegler-McPherson (HVAJCLS): “From Kleindeutschland to Yorkville: German Immigrants in New York City, 1870-1930”
  • 2015-2016: Meg Benke (SGS)